the ceremony

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Draco pov

Once cho joined us hadrian gave uncle sevvy oberon which he had been holding and walked up to the stage
"Blaise, neville, dudley, alissa, pansy, fred, George, today you will be taking my mark, submissives this has to be ok with your dominants, dominants, I hope your submissives are ok with this, however I can neither force nor order you to ask them. Come up to the stage, dominants with your submissive by your side, fred, George,  Lee also has the option to take the mark if he and you wish" hadrian says
The people he had told to go up went up and stood in line
"Draco? Give cassy and perseus to our parents and come up here please" he asked me
I nodded before giving the remaining triplets to my parents and walking up to him (one was already with snep)
He released his wings and took my arm
"If it is ok with you, can I give you the mark that'll give you the same status over my inner circle as me, it'll be the mark of my mate and the ruler by my side?" He asked me
"Yes" I said nodding
"Lucious? Narcissa? Is it ok with the both of you for me to give this mark to your son" he asked
"Yes" they said smiling
Harry took out his wand placing the tip to my wrist
"This mark will appear and dissapear, move around and be wherever you wish it to be" he said
he said the spell and a beautiful mark began crawling up my arm
"Its a bird" I murmured watching it almost fly up my arm
"Birds are meant to show kindness, joy, intelligence, hope, and beauty. Perfect for you" he said kissing me on the forhead "Go back to the triplets"
I did as told and watched as he repeated the spell on all of the dominants who wanted to have it done as well as the submissives that had permission to have it done.
"I hope you all have a great night, I'd love to stay but my triplets need their sleep, I'll see you all next full moon" hadrian said taking oberon and apparating us home
We quickly put the triplets to bed before heading to bed our selves

"Draco you still awake" hadrian asked
"Yeah" I replied into his chest
"If you want you can give me a mark of your own,  as a claim I guess, to show I'm just as yours as you are mine, I'll teach you the spell" he offered
"Really?" I asked
"Of course, any animal you'd like" he said
"Ok, I'll think on it" I said
"Let me know if you do, we'll do it the full moon after you decide, the spell only works on the full moons" he explained
"I love you" I murmured closing my eyes
"I love you too" he said back

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