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Hadrian pov

Its been 8 months and 2 weeks since draco fell pregnant and he's currently bedridden, we've grown quite close to Bellatrix, draco has been bed ridden since he hit 8 months, something about him having twins and being quite weak as it's his first pregnancy and his body is getting used to being able to get pregnant, but in this time he's been visited by bellatrix several times. I don't trust her alone with him yet, I mean he's a submissive veela who Is pregnant and bedridden with someone I've only met as draco was announced as pregnant.
As he's bedridden I'll carry him the the bathroom but that's the only time he'll leave his bed, he'll stay in bed for food and we chat and play with Toys (child toys ye perv). He sleeps a lot and I stay with him, the Triwizard tournament ends in a week and draco is due in 2, I should be home and well for our babies birth
"Hadri" I hear draco murmur
"Hey lil, how are you" I ask
"Good, babies good too, we play cars?" he asks
"What's the magic word princess" I ask
"Pweese" he says adorably
"Of couse but we need to have cleared everything up for 11 cause dudley alissa neville and blaise are coming over, we're gonna play with them for a bit before eating and then you need to have a nap" I say
"Ok, we see Frens come over, when Fred George an Lee Lee come over?" he asks
"Next week, their gonna help look after you while I'm away for three days" I say
"Ok" he says "cars now please"
I Accio the cars before and a floating track, we play with the cars for an hour before I pack it all away and kiss draco on the forhead
"Their here, I'll be back in a second, stay" I say before leaving
I hurry downstairs and into the guest room where they would be trapped until someone greeted and invited them in, once they left they'd be checked for bad intentions and spells that would hide their true identities.
I walk in and see the 4 sat down chatting
"Blaise, neville, dudley, alissa, welcome come this way" I say making them stand and follow me out of the room
"Hi hadrian how are you?" Neville asked
"Good thanks neville, we're nearly at mine and dracos room"
They follow me and we finally reach our room
"Hadri!" Draco says putting his arms out
"Hey princess, look who just arrived" I say  sitting on the bed
"Hello blaise, hello neville, hello dudley, hello alissa!"  Draco says "how are you all doing?"
"Good thank you draco" Neville says
"How are you two?" Blaise asks placing his arm around nevilles waist
"Good thanks blaise, draco is due to give birth in 2 weeks and I'll be at hogwarts for the last part of the tournament next week, fred and George will be taking care of draco with the help of their mate" I say
"Of course, you don't look very pleased at the thought of leaving your mate for 3 days the week before he is due?" Dudley says
"I'm not, shall we do something before its time for draco to have a map,  he has some toys to play with?" I say knowing from draco that neville is a little as well whilst alissa is only a submissive but also enjoys playing with draco
"Ohh can we play with cars dada!!" Draco says
"Its not up to me what you, neville and Alissa play, ask if it's ok with blaise and dudley and then it's up to you three what you do" I say
"Can me neville and Alissa play please" draco says to blaise and dudley
Neville looks up at blaise in a pleading manner
"Please" Alissa adds
The two doms nod and laugh whilst the three submissives cheer
I move from the bed giving space for alissa and neville
"if you need us we'll be down stairs, draco where's your wand?" I ask
I receive confused looks from the rest whilst draco gives me his wand
"Thanks princess" I say linking it to my wand "call out for on of us and we'll come up"
"Yes dada" draco says
I hand him his wand back and lead blaise and dudley down stairs
We arrive in the dining room and chat
"Hadrian, how's the baby, any idea of gender or names yet?" Dudley asks
"Twins, we were told they were most likely both male due to the size of dracos stomach and at least 1 is definetly male, however we can be sure as they both constantly faced away from the ultrasound, they're defiantly both dominates though, we were thinking of the names oberon draconius malfoy for the eldest male, if the other is male then perseus severus riddle and if the other is female then cassiopeia narcissa riddle, we decided that they'd have different sir names based on which house they're most likely to become the heir too, malfoy magic tends to enjoy the eldest son whilst riddle magic is not picky however won't have submissive Heirs, no one truly knows why" I explain
"Awsome, alissa and I are waiting until after we graduate to have children, she is currently on a birth control safe for veela" dudley says
"As I'm a vampire it is unlikely birth control would work on Neville however our magic is unlikely of allowing neville to Carry a child unless it believes the child will be safe" blaise says
"Even though we have to retake this year I would never regret keeping the children, I hope one has my crimson eyes whilst the other has dracos silver eyes, hopefully the eldest male will look more like draco whilst the other one looks like me however I don't really care what they look like just hoping the family traits continue with the name I suppose" I say
"That would be a great thing to happen, I can't wait for this war to be over" blaise says
"I can't help but worry for draco and the twins, when.... when the final battle happens should we... send them on a trip, where the war can't harm them, if we survive I can bring them back but if not they'll be safe from dumbledoor wrath" I suggest
"Could neville join them" blaise says
"Of course, draco will need help with the twins" I say "dudley?"
"Ill speak to alissa about it, as you two should do so with draco and neville, explain that perhaps it's for the best" dudley says
"Of course" I say
"I hope we win, I can't leave or lose neville, I just can't" blaise says
"No" I say "of course not"
"We should get back to them" dudley says
"Yeah" blaise agrees standing up
"Come on" I say
We return to our submissives
"Guys fancy staying over?" I say
"Yeah" blaise says
"Sure" dudley agrees
"SLEEPOVER?" draco shouts
"Draco" I warn
"Sowwy" he says
"Its ok, now come on its nap time, if you four would like to grab your stuff and settle into the guest rooms in thus corridor, dudley you already have a room, give one to blaise" I say settling into the bed with draco who snuggled into me and fell asleep

So I'm feeling a bit better now, um off school so there's no added stress and I'm beginning to improve my sleeping habits, might start uploading more often
Doubt it though
Thanks for the beautiful names samq1104 I don't know if I chose any of yours but you gave the idea for astronomical first names and family names for middle names so thanks
Good bye

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