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April 5th, 1900


"Whaddya think, then?" Race buzzed to Kathrine, who nodded her head approvingly.

"I think that it'll go great." She assured him, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Race smiled at her, but not in a creepy way - like how a best friend smiles at their best friend. Because, let's face it - Race and Katherine were closer than people liked to admit.

"Can we review one mo' time, jus' incase?" Race pleaded anxiously. Kathrine nodded her head again and brought up a paper that had scribbles of writing on it - a plan that the two of them had been working on.

"Okay, so, it starts off with you actually finding out where she is," The intelligent girl began, her eyes scanning over the neat notes she had in her lap. "Then, you have to start a conversation with her - no matter how how aggressive she seems. When the timing is right and you've got a good setup, use that good old Racetrack charm and ask her to get some food with you. I can handle all the rest." She consoled, platonically putting a hand on Race shoulder. Race looked down, worried.

"What if she says no?" He gnawed on his cigar, twiddling his thumbs together meticulously. Katherine's smile faded into a slight frown as she deducted her hand from where it had previously been resting.

"Then i'm going to need you to stay strong and come right back to me. But I doubt she will - not even (Y/N) can resist you!" She encouraged. Race smiled to himself.

Katherine was a good friend.


"Afternoon' Mrs. Jacobs! Is Davey around?" (Y/N) inquired, casually walking through the family's front door - something very common, considering how much time she would spend at the house with Davey. Their friendship was something special, but certainly not romantic at all.

Mrs. Jacobs shook her head.

"Sorry, (Y/N), but he went off somewhere with Jack a few hours ago. You may be able to find them though, I saw them headed down fifty-third street." (Y/N) nodded thoughtfully and grabbed a roll of bread from the counter.

"Thanks Mrs Jacobs!" She called out as she dashed out the door, hoping that Davey's mother didn't see her swipe the food - not like she would care, of course. (Y/N) did this all the time, therefore Mrs. Jacobs most likely wouldn't make a scene.

As she jogged down the street in search of Davey, she slowed her pace. (Y/N) did not want to get herself exhausted - it'd be a dumb way to go about things. Her feet would drag, her eyes would droop, and she'd be vulnerable - which was not a good thing to be, especially when you're in manhattan and the entire borough of Brooklyn newsboys is after your head.

Well, there's a reason they were after her - she had, after all, told Spot that he was 'shorter than a goddamned street rat.' in front of all his boys, thus humiliating him. So, naturally, he wanted her gone.

"Hello Tempa'." A sudden voice said, jolting (Y/N) out of her memories. She turned her head to see the shortstack everyone called Race beside her, casually trying to put an arm around her shoulders.

"What do you want?" She hissed, smacking his arm away and taking a step away from him. Race put his arms up defensively and shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothin' in particular, Dave's busy with Jack right now and I ain't got nobody to hang out with." He explained, making (Y/N) put her guard down ever so slightly. "Where youse headed off to?" He questioned with genuine curiosity.

"I was looking for Davey, but that seems about pointless now if he's busy. Why'd you come to me instead of another newsie?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow and took a bite into her bread roll with a hostile expression on her face. Race's face turned a light shade of pink with embarrassment - it did this often, considering how much he got told off by (Y/N) in front of the boys.

"Well, truth is, I was thinkin' we could get somthin' ta eat?" Race nervously asked, putting (Y/N) to a halt. Race did flirt a lot, but he didn't even ask her to actually go anywhere before.

"Uh, just take this. I think I see Davey." She replied, shoving the bread roll in Race's hands, then taking off. She did not feel like dealing with him right now - he had to be joking, and she was not in the mood whatsoever.

Not in the mood for her short temper to overcome her - not in public, at least.


"Davey, as much as I hate to tell you, that's the dumbest thing you've ever said." (Y/N) laughed, looking at her friend beside her. The two were sitting at Jack's 'penthouse' while he was off somewhere with Crutchie.

"If that's so, you're not considering the time that I made that comment about yams." He countered, chuckling at the memory. (Y/N) giggled thinking about it - that was a very interesting day. She platonically swung an arm across Davey's shoulders.

"You make a valid point, but-" (Y/N) started, only to be interrupted half a second later by the irritation monster.

"Da' hells goin' on here? Who left you twose alone?" Jack called from the fire escape, irritation in his voice. (Y/N) retracted her arm from her friend's shoulders and groaned.

"Jack, we're just talking. You don't have to constantly baby me." (Y/N) retorted, crossing her arms and glaring at her brother. Jack rolled his eyes and climbed up, making (Y/N) and Davey internally cringe - this was sure to make their time together much more, uh.. PG. (No, they did not plan on having sex or anything of the matter - this meant the jokes they were to make had rather 'adult' terms that Jack would find a way to deem too inappropriate and forbid Davey from talking to (Y/N) for god-knows-how-long.)

"Weather you like it or not, i'm gonna baby you long as your friends with Davey - the nicest ones always turn out worst in the end!" He complained, making (Y/N) sigh and put her chin on her palm.

Davey cleared his throat.

"Im right here, Jackie.." He muttered, making (Y/N) giggle slightly and Jack grumble something about good for nothing people named David who just so happen to live in a tenement in lower manhattan.

"Uh, anyways, I gotta go.. (Y/N), do you wanna sell tomorrow? I got something to tell you." Davey queeried. (Y/N) simply nodded her head and Jack gave Davey a stink eye.

"Sounds good to me. See you tomorrow, Davey." She told him as he went back down the fire escape. Once he was gone, she leaned her head on her big brother's shoulder.

Gently, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to doze off under the stars.

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