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  April 10th, 1900


"Kathrine, Is youse sure shes gonna like it? What if she hates it!?" Race complained, rather exasperated. Katherine frowned slightly, but got her cheery demeanor back almost immediately to reply to him.

"Race, if the last letter worked then this one will too - besides, she's going to love the flower this time." She grinned, smoothing out her skirts.

"She betta', because it cost me a pretty penny.." Race grumbled, making Kathrine chuckle. The duo had just composed another letter for (Y/N), and Race had hidden it under her pillow to keep the other newsboys from taking it. He was overcome with anxiety, but still excited to see the outcome - from what he heard from Crutchie, (Y/N) was very giddy and had her head in the clouds after she had received the first one. Crutchie, of course, had just thought that it was because she found a nickel or something.

"She will, like I said before - no girl can resist flowers, and no boy can resist a person with a flower." She said dreamily, her mind wandering off. Race rolled his eyes, but accepted she was going into La La land.

He was very nervous - he was almost one hundred percent sure that she knew it was him by now, and absolutely hated the last letter. He had checked the garbage, sure, but it wasn't there. Maybe she burned it?

But now was not the time to worry about that - it didn't matter. The letter was in place, and she was probably coming back from a day of selling now.


"Frankly, Davey, you're an idiot." (Y/N) teased in response to what he just said, causing the boy walked beside her to roll his eyes. (The boy, of course, was Davey.)

"If i'm an idiot, I'd hate to see what that would make Jack." He joked, making (Y/N) laugh melodiously. Davey appreciated the sound of her happiness, but not in a romantic way at all - despite popular belief.

You see, nearly anyone who knew (Y/N) knew about her closest friend - Davey Jacobs. She would tell jokes about him when he wasn't around, and was ready to fight anyone and anything that would criticize him.

This lead many to believe she was in love with him - a fact that simply isn't true. (Y/N) and Davey had a strictly platonic relationships - they even spit-shook on it for good. No matter what happened, they would stay friends.

They had done this because they both knew the other didn't like them that way - and they didn't like the other that way either. Besides, even if he did like her, or vice versa, neither of them really had time for romance in their lives. Davy had to pay for doctor's visits for his father, food for his family, and so on. (Y/N) had a protective older brother and was preoccupied with not starving every evening.

So, they kept it non romantic and non sensual. To both of their relief, they had abided by their promise and kept it mellow. This worked out for the greater good, despite what the other newsboys would say to Davey - that (Y/N) was hot, he should make a move on her, and so fourth.

Except one - Race. Like everyone else in the whole damn city knew, Race flirted with (Y/N) endlessly, despite her supposed lack of interest in him. Davey, however, was the only one who knew his feelings went past mindless flirting. He could just tell that Race felt something more for her, and so he never made a move.

"Dave, you're spacing out!" (Y/N) snapped, waving her hand in front of his face. Davey pulled himself back to reality.

"Gosh, forgive me once for thinking!" He retorted in a playful tone. (Y/N) smirked and punched his shoulder in a friendly way - you know, like how children would do when they played games such as punch buggy.

"You aren't getting forgiven, but you are gonna get mugged if you keep doing it," (Y/N) rationed, putting her hands in her pockets. The chilly early-spring air blew in her face, causing her to get goosebumps.

Davey, being the gentleman he was, was about to offer her his jacket. Key word was.

Because suddenly, Les appeared between the two, giggling. He hugged (Y/N)'s legs, causing her to stop and laugh. After a few minutes she got him off, and the trio continued on to the lodging house to hang out with the other newsboys.

Once they arrived, though, (Y/N) made a beeline for her bunk - Davey thought she was going to lay down, put instead she pulled something from under the pillow and smiled - and envelope of sorts.

She then began to read.

Dear (Y/N),

Did you miss me? I hope so - I didn't see the last letter in the garbage pail, so i'm assuming you enjoyed it. Sorry about the flower from last time just being a bud - it was the best I could do, and I hope you like the new one. The shopkeeper said it was an Azalea, which means lots of romantic and sappy stuff that I wont bother making your pretty eyes read.

Look, I really hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable. These letters are relaxing to write, and it just gives me a sense of peace knowing that you're aware how much I like you - even If you don't know who I am.

Please, and I emphasize the please, don't tell anybody about these - especially your brother. He'd figure out who I am right away, and i'd be dead for sure. Also, could you do me a favor..? If you are aware this is me, and not some other newsboy stealing the letters, just leave a pape under the back door of the lodging house - I guess it'll be like a silent sign to see if you actually know about these.

I was going to put a poem here, but I couldn't find anything I thought you would like - i'll look harder for next time, I promise.



(Your secret admirer.)

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