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April 8th, 1900


"Kathrine, I don't know what to do!" Race exclaimed as he paced around the room. Katherine was sitting on the Lodging House couch, with her hands folded. She was trying her best to come up with new ideas. "She rejected me last time, and we've used every idea in the book!" He complained, running a hand through his unruly blonde hair.

Katherine was suddenly struck with an idea.

"Race, I got it!" She grinned, standing up and grabbing the boy by the shoulders to stop his pacing (In a totally platonic way, of course.) "I figured out what the reason she keeps rejecting you is!"

Race lifted an eyebrow hopefully as Katherine deducted her hands from him. She took a step back, a look of knowing on her face.

"Well? Spit it out!" Race demanded, sounding a little too harsh for his own liking. Katherine didn't seem bothered though, and carefully tucked a stray hair behind her ear as she formulated a way to tell Race the truth.

"Okay, I dont think youre gonna like hearing this," She pursed her lips, while Race only had an expression of anticipation. Katherine took a short breath and continued. "Race, its you." She confessed, folding her hands in her lap.

"Whaddya mean?" Race asked, genuinely confused. Her reply did not make much sense in his mind, and he didn't understand the slightly embarrassed look she held on her face. What the hell was going on with her?

"Race.. " She muttered, biting her lip. "Its you, like I said before. You're the reason she won't accept your invitations - because it's you asking her out." She disclosed, Race's face dropping with sadness and regret.

"But, don't worry! I have an idea!" Kathrine proclaimed, her smile returning to her face. Race's expression turned slightly relieved, but very cautious. Was this plan going to be illegal, like the one Jack had used to get out of the Refuge?

"Alright, shoot it at me. Not like I'es go no more choices.." He muttered, sitting down on his cot. Kathrine gently placed a PLATONIC hand on his shoulder to comfort him, and gave him a look that said 'I got this, don't worry.'

"Have you ever read ce n'est pas un vrai livre?" She inquired, seemingly out of the blue. Before Race could respond that no, he couldn't even read the word 'iridociclitis', she cut him off and continued.

"Well, there's this character named Homme, and he wants to impress this girl - right?" Since Race hadn't read the book, he nodded with a lifted eyebrow. "So, in order to do so, he leaves her anonymous love notes, along with small gifts, like flowers on each one." She finished, radiating pride.

"Are youse saying I should write her love notes?"

Kathrine nodded, knowing this was the start to something beautiful. Race, however wasn't sure that this would work out.

Only one way to find out?


"Seeya, Davey!" (Y/N) called out to her friend, whom was leaving the lodging house with his little brother. She gave a small wave while doing so, and once they were gone she went over to her bed - she was downright exhausted.

When she arrived at her bunk, she expected to see the usual - her thin blanket, small mattress above Jack's (which he never used - he was always on the roof when it boiled down to sleeping) and her pillow. They were all there, of course, except there was a new addition to the mix.

It looked somewhat intimidating to her at first glance. She approached it - a neatly folded piece of paper along with a small rosebud placed on top of it. Cautiously, she removed the rosebud and examined the paper briefly before unfolding it.

She sat herself on her bunk, taking the rosebud in her hand. She tucked it in her pants pocket and began to read the mystery letter before her.

Dear (Y/N),

I don't know how to start this.

I've loved you for the longest time - god, it feels like i've known you a hundred years. I feel so giddy when I'm around you - you're the perfect girl - but im sure you dont like me in that sense whatsoever.

My feelings for you are very confusing, so i'm just going to add a poem and hope for the best.

I am not yours, not lost in you,
Not lost, although I long to be
Lost as a candle lit at noon,
Lost as a snowflake in the sea.

You love me, and I find you still
A spirit beautiful and bright,
Yet I am I, who long to be
Lost as a light is lost in light.

Oh plunge me deep in love—put out
My senses, leave me deaf and blind,
Swept by the tempest of your love,
A taper in a rushing wind.

Do you like it? I figured that it really summed up my feelings for you.

It seems my paper is running out of space, but expect another one of these soon - unless they make you unforgettable, of course. Then you can just throw it out and I'll get the message.


Your secret admirer.

(Y/N) couldn't help but smile and blush as she read the letter over and over. Her heart must have skipped a beat at least fifteen times during her time reading it, and she felt as if she might turn to mush then and there.

You see, (Y/N) was used to the flirty newsies in the lodging center - Romeo, Race, Albert, and so forth. She never took stuff that any of them said to heart, because she knew they didn't mean it at all.

But.. they were nothing like this person. This person had taken the time to compose a letter, add a poem, and tell her they're in love her - and they would write another one soon.

(Y/N) was practically radiating happiness, a huge grin on her face as she looked over the letter one last time. Not so surprisingly, a few newsies noticed and started gossiping as to what could've been written on the page.

Race, however, did not. He was outside, chewing on his cigar like it was his last meal. He only did this, however, because of the nerves that had overcome him. What if (Y/N) didn't like the letter? Sure, Katherine helped with this one, but he didn't know if she told (Y/N). The two girls were pretty close, after.

He sighed, rubbing his temples.

He just had to hope for the best.

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