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April 15th, 1900


"Race, it's time." Katherine declared to Race, who wasn't even paying attention to her and flinched the second she spoke.

The two teenagers were sitting on the lodging house couch, mostly alone due to Medda hosting a show that invited all the newsboys tonight. Race didn't want to come, and Katherine clearly wasn't a newsboy. Sure, a few stayed back, like Crutchie, but they were either out on the town or sleeping by now.

So, this left Katherine and Race mostly alone in the house. They were, of course, discussing ways to help Race with the whole predicament with (Y/N), and although Race had zoned out halfway through, Kathrine had a major idea.

"Uh, repeat that again..?" Race anxiously requested, causing Kathrine to roll her eyes. Although she did this, though, she obliged.

"I was saying," She began, adjusting a bracelet on her left wrist. "It's time. We need to tell (Y/N) it's you writing the letters, and soon." She completed, a smile still on her face. Race turned paler then snow and shook his head vigorously.

"W-we's can't do that! She'll hate me!" He burst out, rubbing his sweaty palms on his pants. Kathrine frowned slightly, but quickly shook the feeling off and decided to instead explain her reasoning.

"Race, she's going to think it's someone else, and knowing (Y/N) she'll confront them about it. Besides, it's no doubt she loves them." Katherine nonchalantly said to the short, blonde boy beside her - although he wouldn't admit it, he knew she was right, though.

"Fine.." He mumbled hesitantly, looking down at his shoes. "But we's got's ta' do it soon, or else we's is screwed!" He exclaimed nervously.

"Do what soon?" A sudden, happy voice said from behind the couch the two were seated on. They turned their heads to see none other than happy-faced, big-smiled Crutchie standing there in curiosity.

"Crutchie!" Katherine and Race uttered rather loudly, taking Crutchie aback.

Now they had to have three people on the scene, because god knows nobody can lie to Crutchie at all.


"(Y/N), what're you in such a rush for?" Davey asked his friend, who was now speed walking in front of him. She didn't slow down for him, but she did reply.

"I gotta get to the lodging house and check if there's another letter, duh!" She asserted, Davey picking up his pace to match hers. He perked up at the mention of a letter and gre curious - he knew about them, of course.

It was all (Y/N) seemed to talk about these days. Letters, letters, letters. She thought they were simply the best thing in the world, and she got one practically every day. Sometimes they were accompanied by a flower, which (Y/N) would wear in her hair.

(Y/N) had expressed a few theories about the admirer to Davey, but he didn't see any of them to be legitimate - was it not obvious who was writing them? There was only one boy in the whole lodging house who showed interest in her!


Davey wasn't particularly fond of Race, but they were on mostly good terms. Sure, he found his flirty and rather inappropriate demeanor irritating at times, but otherwise he was a cool guy to be around.

Either way, though, Davey didn't care about how he acted - he knew that Race had deep feelings for (Y/N), and he appreciated having her true character be recognized. Aside from that, though, he knew it was him writing the letters for other reasons.

Exhibit A: The writing. It was, for the most part, mostly grammatically correct and well spelled. He knew no newsboy could do this on his own, so he would have needed help from someone - and Davey just so happened to notice Race and Katherine spending quite a bit of time around each other lately.

Exhibit B: THe gifts. They were usually small things like a flower, a nickel, or a bread roll. Now, which newsboy was known to collect, buy and (most importantly) pickpocket stuff at the sheep's head races? Race.

So, he knew almost as soon as (Y/N) told him who it was - of course, he would never tell her this. She'd probably be offended, knowing her opinions on Race, along with his actions. Hell, she might even soak the guy!

So Davey kept his mouth shut, as much as it hurt him to do so. He ran after his female friend, who was almost at the lodging house by now.

Jeez, he had to stop spacing out at the most random of times, or else there was no way he would even be able to keep up with himself!


(Y/N) fumbled with the envelope, trying her best to open it. Normally she wouldn't be so eager for a letter, but this one was different; it had 'IMPORTANT' scribbled across the back in big, messy letters.

She carefully undid the seal, and rushed the paper out. Her eyes darted immediately to something glitching, then falling out of the letter. She watched it land on the floor and she bent down to grab it.

Once she did so, she sat herself on her bed and examined it. It was simple, yes, but it certainly caught her eye with it's plain leather cord that held a small metal disc in the middle. Upon further inspection, (Y/N) saw that it had an imprint of a rose on the disc. She smiled to herself and slipped it on, then decided to read the letter.

Dear (Y/N),

I don't have much time to write this one today, the boy's will be back from the show soon and ask me what I'm doing.

I think I've been able to muster up enough courage now, though.

If you really want to know who I am, be on the lodging house roof tomorrow at sunset. I'll be waiting for you if you choose to come.


Your secret admirer a̶n̶d̶ ̶c̶r̶u̶t̶c̶h̶i̶e̶ 

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