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I think we're all clear how Race feels about (Y/N), right? He's absolutely head over heels for her, and would most definitely jump at any chance to be with her.

But have we ever considered how (Y/N) feel about him? How she might just be putting on a rough exterior to avoid getting hurt? Because that's definitely what she's doing to avoid pain in the future.

To be honest, (Y/N) didn't hate Race. She may have even liked him, in some sense. And yes, like as in the form of the crush. But, she pushed those thoughts to a dark part of her heart and acted cruel to him. She would never let her soft side be revealed.

Perhaps, though, if things were different, she would already be Race's girl. Perhaps they'd be over affectionate and drive Jack insane with big brother protective instincts. Maybe she'd sell with him, or at least walk back to the lodging house with him.

But no, it would never be like that. Her temper would get ahold of her, make her numb and angry, and their relationship would flop. Besides, Race flirted with anything and everything - seriously, the boy could flirt with a tree and not have any shame.

These were the things that passed through her mind as she leaned against the railing of the roof, looking out at the dimly lit Manhattan night. The air was chilly, but she didn't quite mind. It helped to settle her anxious nerves.

Meanwhile, Race stood on the floor below her, sweating up a storm. He was about to profess his love to a girl who had soaked him more times than the Delancey siblings and had the temper of an angry drunk toddler who's also on cocaine and up past their bedtime. And no, that was not Les.

Her nervously wiped his hands on his palms and took a breath. The worst that could happen was rejection and getting soaked. What's so scary about that?

Shakily, he wrapped his calloused hands around the first bar of the ladder leading up to the roof. He was afraid he may slip, but he gripped harder. He had to man up now, or else he would never have the chance.

So, he began climbing.


(Y/N) thought he admirer would be somebody smart and romantic. The letters had been composed wonderfully and with such meaning.. it must have been someone like Specs, or perhaps someone else.

Instead, though, here was Race - standing in front of her claiming to have written them.

"You're kidding.." She mumbled, eyeing him up and down. He looked very nervous to her. "Loosen up a bit, will you? I'm not gonna hurt you." She reassured, her tone gentler than it usually was.

Race obeyed and visibly calmed down. She didn't sound like she was going to hurt him, but he was still weary of her.

She ran her left hand through her unruly (H/C) hair and bit her bottom lip - a habit she had developed for awkward situations where she didn't have a witty comeback.

"So, let me get this straight," She began, turning to face him. "You wrote me those letters, along with leaving me the gifts?"

Race gave a slight nod before answering.

"Katherine and Crutchie kinda helped.." He mumbled, fidgeting with his left suspender. (Y/N) softly snickered to herself.

"Well, I appreciate it. I just never thought it'd be you, of all guys." She joked, leaning against the railing once again.

"Why's that?" Race lifted an eyebrow, copying her motions and leaning against the wall next to her. Surprisingly, she didn't back away or flinch - instead she moved a little bit closer to him. Race swallowed a lump in his throat.

"I mean, you're always out flirting with every damn thing you see, I'd assumed you flirted with me for the same reasons - reputation." She muttered, her tone suddenly less full of life then it usually was.

That sentence alone pulled them into dead, awkward silence. They stood there, occasionally glancing each other's way, both anxiety balls.

Okay, maybe (Y/N) liked Race a little bit. But what was she going to do about it? So what if he liked her back? Could she really have a relationship right now?

Jack would kill him!

"Uh, by the way. . I'es gets youse probably don't feel the same'n all, but.. uh..." Race interrupted the silence, pulling (Y/N) from her thoughts. She smirked to herself and turned to face him, their faces less than a few inches apart.

"You know, you're kinda cute when you're flustered.." She whispered before leaning in closer. Their faces nearly touched by now. "Then again, though, you're pretty cute a lot of the time." She finished.

(Y/N) then took the liberty to connect her delicate lips with his.

At first, Race didn't kiss back. He was in a state of shock that soon wore off as soon as he realized what was going on. He softly cupped her jaw in one hand and rested the other on her waist, not wanting to get too touchy right away. (Y/N) could feel the aftershave on his face and the cigar smoke in his breath - of course, she didn't mind whatsoever. If we're going to be honest here, she found it kinda hot.

She leaned in closer, eager to deepen the kiss. They would have continued kissing for longer until a yell could be heard from the other side of the roof.

"Get ya' hands off ha'!"

This sudden noise shocked them both, knocking Race (and thus (Y/N)) over and onto the ground, with (Y/N) landing on top of him. They snapped their heads to the direction of the sound to see none other than Jack Kelly, fuming with rage.

"Jack!" (Y/N) screetched, her face bright red as she scurried away from Race. Jack ignored her and pranced up to Race, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him eye to eye with him in a threatening manner.

"I swear ta' god, youse ever kiss her again-" He muttered, his eyes filled with anger. (Y/N) interrupted his threats swiftly, though.

"I kissed him!" She shrieked.

Jack turned around to face her, his expression softening.

"You WHAT?"

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