30. Same Old Song

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Look at me with the back to back updates lol, I've had some time off surprisingly, and the energy to write, so here's another chapter. Happy holidays y'all, many blessing to each of you in the upcoming year. Love y'all so much, thanks for the continued support.

I was gonna add more to this chapter but I'm tired and just tryna give y'all a little something for being so patient, real drama, real turn up is on de wayyyyy.

- Keiana

30. Same Old Song

Nia Riley

I woke up aching, my body, and my kitty, but refreshed as hell. I swear I'd slept a full nine hours. Dave wasn't in bed with me, so I got up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

I watched myself in the mirror as I washed my face. Wow, I had really cheated on Chris with Dave.

I really didn't regret it either. I know I had been drunk, but that wasn't an excuse, it had just fueled the thoughts I was already having.

I knew what I was doing, and what I had wanted in that moment, so what was there to regret or sit around worrying about? I made my bed, now it was time to sleep in it.

Now I just had to make my decision about what was right for Nia, and what I needed to do for me. I loved Chris still, that wasn't gonna change anytime soon, because it took time to fall in love with him, but that wasn't what I wanted or needed right now.

Toxic wasn't even the word to describe that situation.

And when I was with Dave, I just felt so free, and alive, like I could do anything and everything I set my mind to.

He genuinely wanted to see me happy, and for me to do whatever I needed to do to get there, and I appreciated him for that so much. He was just a breath of fresh air, my own personal form of relief that I never wanted to leave.

But I knew I had to, it'd been a week since I was in LA, and I needed to go home, I had a whole business, and things to think about it.

I'd been with Dave everyday, hadn't talked to Chris once, and I hadn't thought about my issues more than three times, and every time I did I just got drunk and forgot about it.

Life couldn't be lived that way though, so I needed to put my big girl panties on and get to moving.

I was about to hop into the shower until I heard my phone start ringing. I ran out and found it somewhere lost in the blanket.

"Hellurrrr bitch."

"Hey stranger!" Heather exclaimed, her face popping up on my screen. She was in her bathroom doing her makeup, and I heard her daughter Zoie in the background.

"Not a stranger."

"Well I ain't heard or seen you in a while bitch, I forgot what you look like."

"It's only been a week Heather." I laughed.

"So you're just not gonna come back to LA ever bitch? Zoie no!" Heather ran across the screen of my iPhone as I watched her try to multitask, do her makeup and watch her growing daughter Zoie.

"I didn't say that, I'm just running from my problems right now." I laughed, licking the edge of the backwood leaf so I could roll it.

"I can tell. Bitch is that a backwood? Nigga got you getting lung cancer now?"

"Girl, rolling backwoods, eating arroz con pollo everyday, I'm getting thick forreal."

"Arroz what bitch? You need to come home and get back on the smoothie king wave, you tripping." She laughed, picking Zoie up. "Tell aunty Ni Ni she tripping."

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