[ 12 ] m i s t l e t o e + e p i l o g u e

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> 3rd person

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> 3rd person

changbin and felix we're decorating their apartment for christmas. changbin ended up moving with felix, taewoo and jeongsoo since he was lonely half the time.

"hyung where do i put the lights?" felix asked as he walked around with a trail of colorful lights.

"you can put them on the tree felix" changbin said and chuckled at felix.

"f-FELIX NAVIDAD" felix yelled.

"felix you're so cute" changbin said and ruffled his hair.

felix was too focused on decorating the tree rather than listening to changbin. changbin put on the ornaments and scattered some ribbon everywhere.

"hyung i wanna put the star up" felix said.

"come up" changbin said and kneeled down to carry felix on his back.

felix took the star and placed it up on top of the tree. changbin accidentally stumbled and fell down with felix on top of him. changbin groaned as felix snuggled his head into his chest.

"felix what're you doing?" changbin asked as he lifted felix's head up.

"you're so comfortable" felix said as he hugged changbin.

"get up felix you're on top of me" changbin said as he got up and was pushed back down by felix.

"felix i swear to god you're gonna kill me" changbin groaned.

felix was on top of changbin for a good ten minutes. changbin had to admit it was cute.

changbin had no other choice but to push him off of him.

"hyung i was about to fall asleep" felix whined.

"not on the floor felix" changbin said as he carried felix up to the couch.

"hmphh" felix pouted and crossed his arms.

changbin decided to leave felix alone and out the rest of the decorations. he put the mistletoe on top of where felix was standing. 

hmmm maybe this will cheer him up.

changbin took the small stem and taped it on some red ribbon and hung it above the arch they were standing under. felix just stood there and watched obediently. after changbin was done with that, he pulled felix closer to him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him.

[ how do you write kissing scenes without making it cringy?? ]

they both ended up have a heated make out session on the couch. as soon as they parted to take in some air, changbin asked felix i question. [ oh my god i'm so soft aweeeeeeeeee ]

"felix lee, would you like to be u-uhm . . . . . mine?" changbin asked as his ears turned red.

"i-i-i-i - i-i m-mean -yes! changbinnie hyung ~" felix said as he jumped into changbin's embrace. 

notice me! 「 changbin x felix 」Where stories live. Discover now