1. new beginnings

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"Nicole...you ready?" No answer.

I got my backpack and head down the stairs, I decided to give my sisters the silent treatment today It's for the best. When I get angry, it's world war 2. My light skin turns complete red, my eyes darkern, and a whole lot of shit comes out of my mouth that no one is ready to hear. Not that I'm complaining, I like the fact that I'm not fake.

Getting in my sister's blue jeep, I call shot gun were the a/c can be on me, that way I don't have to worry about sweat stains on my shirt. It's gonna be a long drive from New York to Canada.

"Nicole we know your mad but we have to move" I roll my eyes. They act like I'm two and don't know what's going on.

"I'm not stupid,you guys just want to be  normal without the crazy sister so bad"

  "You don't want to be judged,i get it Your embarrassed of me no need to hide it, Sorry I wasn't perfect"

"Nicole, stop this crazy talk We just want the best for all of us, and if people know then they don't take us seriously, they label us"

"Especially when you still have those nightmares and blackout and you still sleep walk, going around the neighborhood yelling 3 in the morning" I look my oldest sister in the face and rolled my eyes

"Whatever, the lies you tell" truth be told  I was tired of my older sister Tamira always running her damn mouth trying to be the mother we never had.

"Believe what you want Nicole but when we get to this new house be on your best behavior understand?"

"Yea, I completely understand no crazy talk around the new neighbors, no friends, no talking to people I got it" that's basically what they meant but in little words

"No one said you couldn't have friends or couldn't talk to anyone Nicole" my sister Ashley  found a good time to jump in the conversation

"oh yea, it's just great you got the only one who wasn't  against me to  turn on me tamria!  thanks just thanks"

"No one is against you we're all on your side forever and always"

my sister Destiny was full of bullshit she forever was and she will forever  be.

"Than why do I FEEL ALONE, we have no parents,no friends ,no family left, we barley got money we always moving it's to much I just feel like giving up ! Tired of being scared all the time"

"Noc-" before my sister could even say my name I cut her off

"I don't want to talk about this anymore stop at the nearest gas station"

Putting in my head phones I listen to  no love by NBA young boy  and hum to the beat.

I tried to stop the sleep that slowly invaded me, I remember when I just wanted to escape at one point and I thought my dreams were the best way to go but time tells it's not it's the worst especially when you have nightmares closing my eyes I let darkness take over .


"Your a disappointment Nicole when are you gonna realize that I don't want you and Your father doesn't even love you. "

"why do you hate me so much you treat me Different for what? all I did Was love you even when you hit me "

Running out the door I head to the woods Ignoring the yells for me to come back.

I stop in my tracts when I realized  I wonder further  than I intended.

In the corner of my eye I saw a flash a black. I quickly turned and see what the fuck it ways

I couldn't make out what was standing in the woods i slowly and carefully walked closer AND hid behind a tree

There he was, a boy  with short black  hair I walked up and I was surprised he didn't hear or see me. i guess he didn't because he was TALKING to HIMSELF I find that weird but hey I'm weird to so what's the point.

I slowly backed up when he started screaming I was going  to help but stopped when I seen he was growing fur and he had black claws

I started to back away I knew this wasn't normal and i didn't want to gain "it's" attention or stick around and see if It'll attack or be friendly

I heard every sound I saw every movement his bones were cracking he seem in so much pain he was acting like be never been though this before I felt bad but at the same time I was scared when he was in full BEAST FORM he started to sniff and all I could do was stand there looking at him as he  slowly turn to me

his grayish eyes darken when our eyes connect I forgot how to run for a second

I know I was running full speed I could hear leaves crunch behind me I didn't look back scared I'll fall and I'll be eaten alive by a animal.

But No matter how Fast I was running it was always on my trial

i fell the beast jumped on me and was trying to come in contact with my neck I kicked and kicked but it wasn't working his eyes went white and he stop moving

Nicole wake up! Waking up I see my sister with worry faces and I know why.

"Another dream?" 


"try to stay awake and first thing I'll do when we get to our new house is get you your sleeping pills. "

I only nod thinking about what happen after he turned all white what I did
**** Flashback

I wasn't gonna see if he was ok the first change i got I ran and ran i climbed a tree when I thought I heard it behind me again.

I spent three days in that tree no food, no water, no clean clothes, don't even ask what I did when I needed to use the bathroom.

I remembered how i fell sleep and didn't wake up until i heard people calling my name I tried to scream but my voice was gone I picked up a branch well more like tore it off and banged it against the tree with all my energy I use my girl scout code SOS hoping they would get it .

Indeed they did I was all but happy I tried to go and tell them about the boy turning into a beast but I couldn't I spent three weeks in a hospital turns out in those three days i got an  infections  when i Fell I cut my leg and arms police interviews me i told them everything but i was labeled as  "crazy" after that my mother started to hit me more and my father didn't care after he found out they kicked me out and my sisters came alone

every since we been moving because out parent always found a way to ruin me they would always find us and let people know about me all my friends would leave me our other family disowned us and we were left

Broken and abandoned

My Broken Mate (completed)(editing)Where stories live. Discover now