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Nicole pov

Arriving home we head straight  for the house

It was already 7:30 and late as hell

"First thing first lets shower and his these hickeys"

"Than take pain killers"

Ashley pov

"There still not here and we waited long enough... we have to go  ahead without them"

"What are we suppose to say?" I ask

"Make up something!"

We knocked on the door and it soon opened

"Hello ladies" 

"Hello boys"

"Where's destiny and Nicole?"

"There at the house there coming"

Sitting down at the table we wait

"We also have to wait for our sister and our cousin also"

"Maddie and kenzie"

"Oh you guys have a sister? I did not know that"

"Yea  maddie she was staying  at our aunt house for a while"


30 minutes  later~

"What is taking those girls so long?"

"Well Nicole she umm.. ummm." I stutterd

"Needed to find another dress she spilled..."

"Soda" i mumbed

"Food" Tamara dumb ass said

And yes we said it at the same damn time

They all rose a eye brow

"Which one is it? Did she spill food or soda"

I said food and tamira said soda

And no we didnt say that the first time we which  our answers.

"Ok i guess"

"And what about destiny?"

"Her hair it didnt  come out right ?"

"Yea her hair Didnt come out right?" I repeated making it sound like a question

"That sound more like a question  than a statement girls"

"That's weird" i say and start to do a akward laugh 

"Well maybe i should go check on them and make sure there alright?"


"UMM.. i will call her"

"Ok ...put it on specker"

In my mind im like ... damn we dead


Ring ring ring

Nicole pov

I pick up my phone and put it on speaker so destiny can hear too

"Hello."  I say out of breath i was just in the shower and took longer then intended..

"Hey Nicole"

It sounded like i was on specker, I just knew the boys made them do that

"Where are you guys?"

My Broken Mate (completed)(editing)Where stories live. Discover now