21 the end

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This is the last chapter and than book two will be made. Book two will take time being made because I'm going back and editing this book and changing things around.Thanks for the reads and some of the votes.


Putting the coat over my body I slip on my heels.  I then Climbing out my bedroom window I hope this night goes well because it will be the last.

It will be the beginning of something new

I woke up this morning knowing what I'm going to do,  it's not just gonna hurt my sisters but its also going to hurt Nathan. He's been the best thing that happened to me in a long time It hurts to know I will never see him again.

"Nicole, you ok?"

"Yea just a little tired."

"Anyway we're going out, wanna come?"

"No I'm fine I'm just gonna chill out."



Nicole😍: Nathan?

Future😍😍😍: Nicole?

Nicole😍: I want to talk to you ... tonight

Future😍😍😍: about? Is everything ok?

Nicole😍😍: yes everything is alright I just want to talk to you 😒

Future: cant it wait?

Nocole 😍😍: no! Tonight! I'll come by.. Now or never

Future: your scarying me babygirl! But alright I'll see you tonight

I didn't reply I shut my phone off and took a shower I got my suitcase out and packed my bag got all my important information and hid my suitcase. I'm really doing this.

I went into destiny room and started looking in her drawers without any luck I didn't find what I was looking for.

"Come on. Where are they?"

Looking under the bed I found a suitcase and my luck had just begun I took one and tried it on... To my surprise  it fitted

I was going all out tonight I was going to do my makeup and hair but  all I had to do is wait,

harder than it sounds I'm not the type that likes to wait.

Nathan pov

Waking up I had a pit feeling in my gut something was wrong I could feel it. I took a shower and got dress wearing nothing but sweats my mind drift to my mate.

Her soft lips, her sexy hair I just couldn't get her out of my mind. But I don't think she'll love me the way I love her I have yet to tell her my worst secrets. Will she stay?


Night time~

It's  11 right now and everyone seems to sleep I get the lacy   black lineger outfit and put it on

Putting the coat over my body I slip on my heels.  And then starting Climbing out my bedroom window I hope this night goes great.

I jumped down and silently went to Nathans window. I think he forgot about me coming because his light's were out. I jump on the seal and open his window as quietly as I can.

And there he was laying half naked on his king size bed. I CANT BELIEVE  IM ABOUT TO DO THIS.

I walked towards Nathan and it was like he can sense me because he started to stir.

My Broken Mate (completed)(editing)Where stories live. Discover now