16.broken promises

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Nicole pov

"I could ask the same question"
tamira says


She looked at me, she was ready to let it all out just ready to get it over with, but I gave her a look

"don't look at her ..look at me and tell me what happened last night" tamira repeated

"How am i suppose  to know i was home all night i overed sleep i went to bed at 12 i couldn't  sleep"

God she was rambling, not making sense at all....

"Nicole you ok?"


I got up and started running, that alcohol  wanted to come up now of all times

I felt someone rubbing my back

"You ok??"

"Yea nathan, i'm fine"

"Can i ask you something?"

"Right now while I'm puking my guts out?...yea go right ahead"

"Why do you smell like sex?"

Back my brain up

"Repeat that!"

"Why do you smell like sex?"

I started to smell myself

"I dont smell it!"

"Come on lets go back at the dinner table"

Nathan? Wait, Do you really think i would have sex with another guy?"

"I mean i dont know ask that hickey  you tried to cover up, but failed"

In my mind:im a fucking idiot i knew I should have gave applied more

"Nathan let me explain"

"I dont want to hear it Nicole, its funny how i thought you were different"

"Nathan I am different"

"let I said,  we take two steps forward  and you find a way to take us four steps back"

He walked back into the dining room

Walking inside i sit down next to nathan i didnt try to talk to him he need his space. And yet again I Fucked shit up

"I think everyone here would like to know what happened  last night" i hear mr.knight say

No one said anything. We wasn't breaking no matter what. What happened last night will stay with last night

"Destiny! Nicole...some fucking body! Your siting here lying! And hanged over! For the love of god! Didnt I teach you guys anything"

"Destiny were not gonna ask again" ashley yelled

"I dont know ...me and Nicole was up watching movies at 3 we went for a run and lost track of time came back home and went to sleep that run was long and made us tired" destiny says

"Right Nicole??"


Right than my phone binged with two messages

Kenzie : I don't know about you but I don't want to get in trouble...how about you keep it together

Maddie:tell your sister to chill.. Keep it together,  what happened last night stays with last night

"Nicole put your phone away, this is a serious matter"

I gave Maddie a nod meaning I agreed

"Destiny there's no need to lie you should  just go ahead and give up"

My Broken Mate (completed)(editing)Where stories live. Discover now