14.so dead

485 16 2

Nicole pov

Should i or should i not what's the worst that can happen one drink wouldn't hurt

One drink turned into two drinks and that ended  up turning to 5 drinks

I was drank but not there there ya know what  i mean

Out the conner of my eye i see destiny

Walking to her i decided to scary her

"Nicole issa small world" 

"How about we leave this place and go to a frat party i heard its good smoke there"

"Your little grown ass smoking?"


"come on and show me the party"


30 minutes  later

"Come on Nicole try it one time"

"NO!I tried that before i woke on the street  im not smoking no double blow and its loud/med hell naw"

"Bruh come on let loose I'll watch out for you"


*smoke* let it out

One puff turned into me and destiny smoking 3 blunts

"Destiny why them boys looking at us like that"

"They must like what they see"

I started laughing because im high and drunk and everything seem funny

( dont smoke and drink you never know what will happen)

They started to walk over to us

"Hey pretty ladies.."

"Hello boys" destiny answered

One of the boys walked over to me im not gonna lie he was fine his blue eyes and messy browish hair

One of the boys walked over to me im not gonna lie he was fine his blue eyes and messy browish hair

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"Hi im nick and you are?"

" Unknown"

"I see your  playing hard to get!"

"Im not playing anything! My name is Nicole"

"You wanna dance Nicole"

"I dont know.."

"Oh come on...one dance wouldnt hurt"

Walking on the dance floor we started dances minutes  later i was grinding on him While he was grinding on me from the back

My Broken Mate (completed)(editing)Where stories live. Discover now