2 him

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Pulling up to our new house my jaw drop the house itself is beautiful it's not to much just right but the house around it made my eyes pop out it's socket it's more like a Mansion Instead of a house. Grabbing my bookbag I go straight to our house I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge

"I forgot we have to get the keys from the owner who's letting us rent this house so someone go nex-"

"I'll do it"

I didn't hesitate I needed to get away from these girls I mean I love them with all my heart but there killing me.

"Ok go ahead Nicole just the key nothing else,"

"what else would I be doing? "

Walking toward the freaking mansion I get that feeling again, knocking on the door I wait for someone to answer hearing a faint "coming" I prepare myself for a mean old person not judging rich people not all are mean and brat like.

"Can I help you? Are you a fan girl? Look I'm sure your nice but I don't like you like that, I would like it if you stop stalking me and my brothers!"

"Who's at the door bro?"

"A fan girl!"

I hear footsteps and I see two more teen boys appear

"Like I was saying i.."

"Look I'm not a fan girl, your not my type neither are you guys I don't like how you are so quick to judge people. im here for a Key and that's it. Not to stalk you and if I did you would be waiting years for it to happen get this though your head for me ...Stop being a fuckboi not every girl likes you I mean this is ridiculous the size of you ego tells me your eggplant is really little "

I hear laughter and I look behind the boys it's a tall white boy with black hair looking fine ass Fuck but I'm not the bold type so I barley give him a glance.

"Can I get our key or not? Like we've been on the road for 2 days I need to shower!"

"Taylor give her the keys so she can go this girl getting on my nerves talking about my dic.. "

"Don't you dare talk about this stuff in my house"

I heard a lovely women voice.

"Give this girl the keys she doesn't want to stand here all day and listen to you and your crap !"

"Thank you ma'ma"

"don't call me ma'ma it make me feel old call me Lily "

The whole time she was saying this that boy just keep looking at me I started to fidgit with the end of my shirt. I couldn't just stand there while that airhead took forever with the key and this cutie just stood there looking at me

"Do we have a problem? If so we can gladly solve It!"

He only rose his eye brow like i was stupid

"Do you got a problem with black people? Or is it just me!"

"I'm not racist in fact I love Carmel"

he also sent a wink my way I bit the insides of my cheek

"Umm..ok what that got to do with you staring at me like you hate black people"

"Ok kids let's settle down!"

Lily says I wasn't trying to be disrespectful In her house so I went quiet

Airhead came with the key I was happy

even when I said something about grey eyes staring he still keep staring like what in the world

"Thank you very much I should get going now"

turning around to walk out I here a loud


"Can I walk you out?"

"Umm...i guess"

We're walking out half way to my house he stops me

"Hey I wasn't trying to be racist I'm not like that I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable. I guess what I'm trying to say is that your......"

"I'm what spit it out!"

"Your the most sexist girl I seen around here and that's says a lot coming from me"

I don't have time for fuckboys so I say just that

"Look I'm sure your not a nice, I want to be alone, so please save the fuckboi lines I know I'm sexy my sisters tell me everyday but thanks for telling me something I already know do me a favor and leave me alone "

I walked away I know i was mean but if that's what it take to keep him away then be it. I felt sad after that I never get a chance at real love who wants to be with the me I'm






I'm a Freak everything you can think of and it's all because I cried wolf in the forgotten woods

The Woods made me like this it killed me it tore me apart I'll never be normal


My Broken Mate (completed)(editing)Where stories live. Discover now