5 the woods

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I couldn't sleep...the nightmare I had keep me up til 3 in the morning...i decided to go for another run... i like to walk around and see the sun rise and stuff like that be made me calm

Putting on my black sports bra and my shorts AND black shoes i grabbed my phone, headphone and watch

I put my hair in a ponytails leaving a note telling them what time i would be back  and i set off taking sharp right

I put my hair in a ponytails leaving a note telling them what time i would be back  and i set off taking sharp right

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Nathan pov

Waking up for the fifth time i climped out of bed and decided to go for a run cater haven't been out in three days...and the urge for him to be released grew stronger

Putting on all black sweats no shirt i head towards the woods whats the worst that can happen who the hell gonna be out three in the morning cater said but deep down i had a feeling

Putting on all black sweats no shirt i head towards the woods whats the worst that can happen who the hell gonna be out three in the morning cater said but deep down i had a feeling

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30 min later ~

Nicole pov

I didn't know where i was going i wasn't worried i liked it... the feeling of knowing  I could run for miles and it wouldn't end...i was free

i ended up in the woods to busy thought...than the worryness  really started happening, the last time I was in a set of woods i saw - nothing.

i stared to wonder around turning my phone on to see if I got any service..... But I heard a snap, turning my head i walk in that direction Because thats the way i came from...but I saw nothing

I've been walking for about 5 minute my feet is really cold and there numb

I stopped in my tracts when i saw a mutherfucken shadow you know that moment when your doing something and boom you see a person or in this case a shadow and your heart skip a couple beats or two thats me right now

The shadow spoke one word


Right when the sun had risen all the way on this side i saw a boy tall change into a big ass black wolf

I did what any other person would have did screamed my ass off

it turned around so fast I'm sure it's neck was hurting

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