3 dates&names

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"What took you so long I got to pee" my sister ashley yelled I rolled my eyes I was only gone for about 10 minutes she could have peed behind a bush or something.

"I had to wait for the key they had to find it so it's not my fault"

"Is that all that happened?" of course Tamara would ask that


after that I grabbed my ear and pulled it, I don't know why but when I lie I just do it I can't help it but I wish I could i hate when people know I'm lying I never get away with anything.

"Your lying what else happened Nicole and don't lie"

"You always on my case tamira nothing major happened if that's what your worried about Can you hop off my case and open the door I need to take a shower"

"Nicole remember what we went over this is the last place we can move to until we find jobs and start working we barley have money let's just work together ite"

"Hey, tamira you need to lighten up on her she's a teenager let her be free a little, if you keep acting like this were gonna lose her. Stop worrying all the time no one is gonna find out this time"

"do you know what you need?"

"No. what?

"Dick" 😂😂😂🤣🤣

 when Destiny said that I also felt happy she took up for me I have a feeling things are gonna be DIFFERENT around here

"Ok listen hoes I got to pee so open the damn door matter fact I can't take this no more."

She started running to the mansion next door she didn't even knock she went right in I just stood there shaking my head I don't even warn her that the house was full with mostly boys shirtless and rising hormones. 😂 she'll learn her lesson about going into people houses not invited
Ashley pov

While my sisters stand outside having a whole conversation I was about to piss myself so I spoke up trying not to yell so pee don't come out

"Ok listen hoes I got to pee so open the damn door matter fact I can't take this no more".

I started running to this big as mansion I didn't even knock I just barged in y'all  would understand if you were in my shoes

Running inside the house I saw boys looking me like I was food..... shit I didn't have time for this


They pointed to a door near them running inside I pull down my pants and pee, relieved that the pressure is gone and I was empty I moan not in a nasty way but again if you was holding pee in for 20 minutes and it finally comes out you'll know what I'm talking about

Pulling up my pants I wash my hands walking out the bathroom I make a few turns and I realized I'm lost completely.

"Why did I run into this house and get lost?"

"Because you had to use the bathroom I guess you couldn't hold it."

Turning around I see I made my way into a den full with hot  boys shirtless and some with just shorts on, some with tattoos. God know I have a thing for tattoos

"I'm Blake and you are?"


"Are you ok princess?"

How would you feel if you walked into a den full with guys shirtless and hot at that, don't even mention your fine ass all over here calling me princess I thought I said that in my head but nope

All I heard was laughter.

"I didn't say that in my head did I?"

"Nope, Im glad you think I'm cute your fine too. I still didn't catch a name? "

"I'm .... "

"Ashley I told tamira to get some dick not you I see you getting to get to know the neighbors a little to closely....How y'all fine asses doing?"

 some dude jumps out his chair getting to close to Destiny take her hand and kiss it

"I'm cole and you are..."

"About to die...Reason seen to much hotness in one day "

"I hope I'm the hottest of them all if not I may just have to cuff you to my bed "

Im pretty sure she's going crazy in her mind

Tamira and Nicole enter the room and when tamira saw what we saw she was about to fall... hold my laughter the same thing happened to me too......But some strong hands cached her

"Careful beauty we wouldn't want to get hurt before i ask you on a date..The names Austin and yours?"

"I'm in heaven damn they got some fine ass angels"

He smiled

"Nah you just falling in my arms.. and the only angle I see in here is you my sexy goddess"

"We still didn't get some names"

Nicole got irritated real quick but she didn't show it

"there names are Ashley, Destiny, tamira"

"Ashley would you like to go on a date with me?"

"It can be a double date if you want to go on a date with me Destiny"

"A triple date if tamira would do me the honor of going on a date with me"

Nicole pov

I wasn't jealous of my sisters I was happy for them...they deserved this

They looked at me causing the boys  to looked at me

"What y'all looking at me for?"

"Were asking if it's ok!" tamira says

"Why wouldn't it be, we came here to have fun"

"And get di-. "

Destiny didn't get a chance to finish her sentence because cole gave her that look that says..I dare ya!

"It's You!" Turning around I see the boy from this morning I rolled my eyes

"Are you blind?"


"Alright then you can clearly see it's me"

"Nicole you know him?"

"Barley and I really wish u would've asked your question a little more quietly"

"Nicole that's your name I'm Nathan "

"Yea yea yea Nathan I got it"

Destiny pov

She's doing it again being all hard core not letting people in, I can tell this Nathan boy really found her attractive  if only she would give him change. I hate what had become of her

Nathan pov

She keep shooting me down and every time my heart hurts more, i feel like giving up I knew my mother would hit me in the head right now yelling

Enough with the crazy talk!

I can see pain in her eyes I want to help her heal,  show her what loves feels like Because she's gonna be The new luna and my mate she's all mine I'll kill for her but she needs to let me in

"I agree " my wolf cater says

What she's hiding? why is she in so much pain?

My Broken Mate (completed)(editing)Where stories live. Discover now