6. three weeks

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Three weeks

thats how long i've been in my room, i haven't interactive with anyone and Nathan haven't been over and im kinda happy

i dont need anyone to see me like this i cant believe it happened again i know im not crazy but it's always that voice telling me... No one turned into a wolf.

There was a knock on my door

"Who is it?"


"Come in"

"Hey nocole."

"What do you want ashley?"

''I know something happened i need you to tell me right now. You can trust me. I just want to help... Having you in this room locked up by yourself really hurts.... Your my baby sister Nicole"

"Why should i tell you, you're not even gonna belive me"

"You never know."

"Ite and if you dont believe me please dont tell tamira"


"So i was going for my 3am run when i ended up in the ...."

"Where?!? This story already getting good"

"Bruh... i ended up in the woods"

"Did you see anyone get murdered?"

"No i didn't, but i kinda wish i did!"


"And i saw a shadow!"

"Oh my god did you fuck someone in the woods!"

"No!! Just shut up and listen"


"I couldn't see who it was but when the sun came up i saw it was a boy and he turned into a animal"


"No just listen"

"It was a wolf i screamed and started running it followed"


"Shut the fuck you  Ashley i climbed a tree i called you 2 times"

"I prayed it to god, it keep howling that's when i heard different howling i thought i was going crazy Im not crazy it really happened! This time."

Nathan pov

Three weeks that how long i haven't seen my mate

I dont think she told her sisters because they still come over and act normal

I was in my room laying down when i heard my baby

I use my super hearing to listen in

i know its wrong but when i hear her scream at night from a nightmare i just use it to make sure she's alright

I hear her talking to ashley

"Why should i tell you, you're not even gonna believe

I listen in to the conversation

"You never know."

"Ite and if you dont believe me please dont tell tamira"

Why is she afraid to tell her things


"So i was going for my three am run when i ended up in the...."

That's why she was out! I say

My Broken Mate (completed)(editing)Where stories live. Discover now