10. Petty ass bitches

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Destiny pov

Walking outside i see a long ass limo

"Yassss this shit is lit"

Cole just start grinning like a fool

We get inside and i decided to text my sisters in our little secret group chat we have just in case things go wrong tonight...we gotta have a back up plan for tonight

Conversation ~~

Destiny: hello my hoes

Nicole: nah the other way around

Ashley: im scaried

Tamira: for?? And yall stop playing yall know yall my hoes

Nicole: if they ask who we texting put the phones up and say wym ... petty game gonna be strong

Destiny: lit

Ashley : lordy

Tamria: 😂😂😑

Ashley: im scaried because i know this not right

Nicole: what's not right?!?!?!?🤔

Ashley:how we leading them on like this knowing we might be moving if we get them jobs

Nicole: right this is awkward how about someone laugh out loud

Destiny:I'll do it

Ashley: are yall high??

Tamira: ouu give me some i need it tonight this boy is driving me crazy!!!💀

Deatiny:yall stop texting they mad af look at they faces imma yell "this boy is crazy" petty game stronger

"This boy is crazy right nicole"

Nicole pov

I know she didnt just ... did she just

"Yea i guess"

I didnt miss that look nathan was giving me

Ashley pov

"Aye ashley tell that boy you not interested" destiny yells

She didnt ... im hearing things


After she said that blake gave me a look

Oh lordy she already starten stuff

Tamira pov

"Aye tamria you gonna just leave that boy hanging"

"What boy?" Austin yells

I gave my phone to nicole i feel like shit about to go down..its a brand new phone i dont need it to break

"That boy that told her whe can ride the fuck outta his dick with her fine ass"

"What??" Me, and austin yelled

She be playing way to much i

Nicole pov

I see what destiny doing so imma join in cause im bored as Fuck

I went to my settings and played my ring tone acting like im gettting a call



"Yea this is she"

"Yea i got a sister name destiny"

"Hold on a minute"

"This boy said do you gotta boyfriend"

"She looked at cole and turned to me"

"Nahh . Why he asking"

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