11. new bitch!

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He helped me off the counter  i couldn't  even look him in the eye

"Can i have my underwear back?"


"Why not?"

"Because  its mine now"

I was about to walk out the bathroom  but i was pulled  back

"Look at me"

I didnt look at him

I feel him shaking repeating

He pushed me up against  the wall

I was forced to look him  in his eyes. The fear of being hit rain though my veins making me remember things that I buried...

"Do you regret it?"


He punch the wall  leaving a hole in it,  I knew he was strong but damn.

"Nathan stop please"

"I thought you liked me"

"I do"

"Than how come you regret it i loved it"

"it can't happen again Nathan"

"I want to be with you  Nicole! Why are you still holding back, I'm all in but you can't seem to take a leap, Do you want to be with me Nicole or was your plan was to play me?"

"The only part i regret  is doing it in a bathroom in a restaurant And me not getting my undies  back so calm down"

"you did answer my other question"

"Nathan, I'm trying"

"Are you kidding me  nicole?"

No I really am trying, not just for you but for myself...i just need time"

He kissed me,  it wasn't rough , it was sweet, it was almost like a goodbye kiss

Nicole we have to stop this,  whatever this is we are doing"


"because every time we take a step forward, you found a way to make us take 2 steps back"

"Nathan  I c-"

" I can't wait for you to wake up and realized you want me"

There was a knock on the door

"Did you forget  about your brothers and my sisters" destiny yells From the other side

"Kinda i was eating dessert and it was so fucking good" he yells back

I blushed

"Come on we have to go"

He went to the door

"it was good while it lasted Nicole"

That fuckerd still didn't give me my underwear  back, not only that he broke up with me.. And I know it was my fault, because he tries and tries but I just can't let him in..... I'm just a fuck up

Walking out to our table i sit down not bothered to talk to nathan

"What took yall so long?"

Dang it

"I was only gone 5 minutes"

"More like a half in hour"

I looked at nathan  who was already looking at me, licking his lips

My Broken Mate (completed)(editing)Where stories live. Discover now