Love me till eternity - Book VI (Part 2)

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"My heart beats faster as you take my hand, my love grows stronger as you touch my soul."


I felt someone touched my back. I shivered with fear and my eyes opened swiftly.

"Hey it's me Eric." He said gently. I calmed my nerves. It was Eric, our house servant.

Eric was 18 years old, a young boy. I am young too but I am 19. He joined here 2 months before. He came through the reference of our earlier maid Laila. She left her job as she got married.

Eric was Orphan. He was experienced in his job as house keeper. He lives in our house in basement room just like Laila.

When he joined here, he was very shy even to talk with me but I caught him many times stealing glances of me while mopping floor or serving meals.

One day he accidentally barged in our room and noticed that my husband was beating me with his belt. I saw pain in his eyes. But my husband barked at him saying not to bother about our personal matters.

From that day, he was more caring to me. I was never been cared, loved by anyone since my mother died. My father used to beat me for my mother's death. I never get my parents love, I thought at least my husband would give me that love I crave but here also I am obnoxiously unlucky. My father and my step mother sold me to the beast Samrat.

Samrat laid his eyes on me first when I was serving wine to my father's guests as per his command. Samrat was ruthless, cruel, rich bastard. He abused me and beaten me to pulp since he made me his wife.

There was only one person sympathetic to me and that was Eric. I could see in his eyes that he wanted to hug me to sooth my pain, I was craving for such loving, soothing hug so badly. But again I couldn't decide whether it is right to do. Samrat was nothing less than monster but still he is my husband.

Eric gritted his teeth, his fingers curled into fists. He was dissipating his anger. I know he was mad at my husband but he couldn't punish him. My husband is very powerful man. There are CCTV cameras in every room.

I never plan to run from this house because I thought one day I will make him understand the meaning of love but now it seems that I was stupid even to expect it. Samrat would never change.

"Joya, I can't see you in pain anymore. He is insane, he's treating you like scrap. Please leave this place." Eric said while giving me the glass of orange juice. I drank it silently.

"Please say something." He said irately but I know he is hurt seeing me in this condition.

"Do you have any plan to escape. I am ready to run from here." I said monotonously. He remained silent. I knew it and I can't blame though because I am well aware of my husband's powers. He would kill both of us if I try to run away with Eric. I don't want to risk his life. I have this ill fate and I don't want to drag him into hell.

"I have plan. I just want your approval." He said in determined voice. I stared him questioningly.

"This flat is on 40th floor, there are guards outside there with loaded guns. It's impossible to run from here." I said the matter of fact.

"We are going to jump from balcony on sharp 6pm. That is the time when guards go to canteen for eating snacks. That devil Samrat won't come till midnight. We have chance to run." Eric said everything in one breath.

"Are you crazy? This is suicide plan." I exclaimed rolling my eyes. It sounds stupid plan.

"I was thinking from the last month on this matter and then only I came to this plan. I was waiting for the day when you will ask me to escape from this ferocious man. But you were adamant to tame this beast.

I bought parachute yesterday, I had learnt parachute jumping with my friend just for fun and thrill. We use to earn money whole year and spend it on such thrilling games in our holidays. You can trust me Joya. We will jump safely." Eric said.

Eric was giving me surprise after surprise. The shy man in him was gone and now I was seeing whole new personality which was thoroughly different from the Eric I have known earlier.

I took a deep breath before nodding my head affirmatively. He smiled brightly.

We went to the balcony from where we had to jump. I was very nervous, I held his hand tightly as much as possible. He counted 1, 2, 3 and we jumped...


I am falling Eric,

I am going to die,

Eric don't leave my hand....

I was screaming madly but thankfully Eric didn't lose his control because of my constant panicking. In flash he opened parachute successfully and then I was hugging him for my dear life.

For the first time my fate didn't deceive me. After two hours floating in air, we landed safely in unknown area. I was taking fresh air for the first time in my life. I was breathing the air of freedom.

We hidden our faces with scarfs and reached railway station. For me Eric was angel who saved my life, I couldn't help but stared him with tears in my eyes, my heart was giving him million thanks again and again.

"I am glad that you believed me, otherwise I couldn't do this for you. Joya now you are free, live your life as per your heart. Don't let anyone spoil your happiness. I wish you happy and successful life. Goodbye sweet angel." Eric kissed my forehead and handed me cash.

"So you saved me to say these lines ha...." I spat rudely. His eyes widened.

I sighed defeated. I thought he has feelings for me.

"I thought I would start my new life with you. You know....I thought you also love me" I said biting my trembling lips. I know I will regret saying this. He saved me out of humanity and I misunderstood thinking it's love.

"You love me? Oh my god!" He said surprised, his eyes grew big and lips turned to huge smile.

"Do you really love me Joya?" He asked again cupping my cheeks. 

"Yes I love you Eric, I was always in love with you since I laid my eyes on you.  I was feeling guilty of my own thoughts that I am cheating on my husband.  But living with him is just like living in hell." I said honestly resting my head on his chest. He gathered me into his arms.

"Joya....I never thought that you would love me ever. You were married and you respect your relationship though your husband was monster. I suppressed my feelings for you. But now you accepted that you also love me, I am am speechless....

I love you Joya." Eric said kissing my forehead. I could see the happiness in his sea blue eyes and in every word he said.

 I could see the happiness in his sea blue eyes and in every word he said

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The End.....

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