Love me till eternity - Book VIII (Part 7)

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"Wowww that's great news! You should go for date Kristen. Maybe you two are made for each other." Emma giggled excitingly when I told her Mr Luke asked me for date.

"Emma, He's billionaire man, He must have slept with so many girls until now. God knows if he is now planning to take me to his bed. You know rich boys are spoilt to which extent. I can't trust him." I said warily.

"But Kristen you only told us that he is very kind and matured guy, right?" Mom asked.

"I accept I said it but then how much I know him, just four months and only eight hours of a day; He could be a different person outside." I reasoned.

"Did he see you with salacious gaze since you join your office?" Emma asked.

"No. But that's not enough for me to trust him."

"Oh dear, don't think too much. He is billionaire right? He could simply ask you for bed in exchange of ransom or anything you wish for. But He asked you for date, which means he is gentleman." Emma said.

"Emma is right. You both need to spend time together to know each other. Luke seems a good man. He is nourished under good hands. After all he is grandson of Mrs Anna Foy." Mom said. After a while she left to make dinner.

"So you are going for the date right?" Emma said nudging my shoulder playfully.

"I don't know. I am still confused." I said slumping on bed.

"You have no option Kristen but to go on date. I messaged him that you are coming." Emma exclaimed shocking me.

"What?" I yelled but she already ran away and locked me in room before I scold her.


Emma drove me at the place where Mr Luke texted me the venue of our date. Emma threw me a flying kiss and mouthed 'All the Best' when I climbed down from the car. I smiled shyly and thanked her.

When Emma left leaving me there, I looked at my watch. I came five minutes early. I fished out mirror from my purse and checked my face for the fifth time. I am not use to make up look but Emma was so stubborn and did my makeup. I am so nervous to meet Mr Luke. My heart is racing and palms are sweating just like the day I felt when I went for the interview.

Slowly I went to the gazebo and saw him standing there already. He was looking earthshakingly handsome in his black tuxedo. When his eyes reached mine, he came at me.

"I was just waiting for you. I mean I came early, you came on perfect time." He smiled at me. I smiled and lowered my head feeling nervous.

I gulped so hard when he touched my wrist and walked me to the gazebo.

He made me sit first and then he went other side of the table and sat down. I looked around to comfort my racing veins; the place was decorated with beautiful chandeliers and aroma candles. Our dinner table was decked with heart shape Red balloons and there was big heart shape cake on table with white wine kept beside it. The ambiance was so romantic.

"You look different today. Very beautiful!" He said drawing my attention.

"Thank you Sir....Um Mr Luke." I said awkwardly. He chuckled.

"We are not in office now. Call me Luke! only Luke!" He said pouring wine into two glasses.

"Ok" I said softly. He offered me wine but I refused politely. Then we had dinner with delicious cake.

The night was becoming so chilly and I started shivering. Luke noticed me rubbing my arms as he quickly came by my side and covered me with his overcoat. After dinner, we started talking about our favourite celebrities, movies, places, foods and so on while walking through the beautiful garden.

After a while Luke stopped walking and I stared at him guessing he has to talk something, he coughed nervously then slowly met my eyes,

"Kristen, you are very special to me. Since I saw you for the first time in interview, I got instantly attracted to your beautiful face. But I didn't want to rush that time; I wanted to understand my feelings and now I know it that you are the only girl with whom I want to spend my whole life. Will you marry me Kristen?" Luke asked me holding a beautiful red rose in front of me, for a minute my heart swelled with happiness but the feeling vanished when suddenly my mind drifted to the memories of Blake. I felt suffocated and pained. Tears escaped from my eyes,

"Why are you crying Kristen? Did I hurt you? I am sorry if I hurt you" Luke began to panic seeing me crying,

"No, you didn't....I am sorry..... I want to go." I managed to say between my sobs and then I ran away from him. I heard him calling me to stop but all I wanted to do is to run away and hide my pain.

to be continued.....

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