Love me till eternity - Book XVII (Part 5)

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 "We are reached" I hear him saying as I opened my eyes. I had small nap since he was driving and I didn't even realized.

Vidhan parked his car and came outside; I also came out of the car that's when I saw a very beautiful lavish building. I wonder what is it exactly, a restaurant or penthouse? but it was extra ordinary and very expensive.

"It is so incredible!" I exclaimed in amazement.

"Thank you, but it's even more beautiful from inside

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"Thank you, but it's even more beautiful from inside. Come on, I will show you." He said smiling. His hand brushed to my back as he ushered me inside, I flinched at the contact; he sensed it and quickly retrieved his hand.

I cursed myself for feeling tantalizing just by his small touch, now what would he think about me. He might be thinking of me rude.

I trailed behind him; he was so right; The house was fully decked with luxuries. The Walls, furniture, curtains, floor, lamps each and everything here is so expensive and beautiful!!

 The Walls, furniture, curtains, floor, lamps each and everything here is so expensive and beautiful!!

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But why there is no one in this big house?

Now instead of feeling calm, I am getting so nervous.

Why there is nobody in this house? I am alone here with this man whom I hardly know. What if he brought me here to take my advantage? Oh god, what do I do now? Am I in trouble?

"Aditi..." I gasped when he tapped my shoulder from behind. I was lost in my thoughts and obviously so scared of imagining things being alone with guy.

"Aditi, what happened? Why are you sweating? Are you ok?" he asked in concerned tone that's when I felt sweat on my forehead and palms.

"Yes, I am ok. I don't know why I am sweating? I think there is no enough air." I said little stammering.

"But the AC is on" he said pointing to the AC. He is not letting go the topic.

"There are no servants in this house? I mean this house is so big, who keeps it clean and neat?" I asked changing the topic.

"Of course, there are four servants to look after this place but I like to have my privacy so they all have been instructed to finish all the work in early morning only."

"Oh, I see" I said under breath and tried to keep my head cool as this whole situation is intimidating me more.

"Wait...let me guess, are you anxious that we are alone here?" he said shocking me, I shook my head vigorously in no.

"Yes, You can't hide it Aditi. Your face is clearly showing that you are scared." He said and laughed richly.

"So what if I am scared. How much I know you? You could take advantage of me." I said and bit my lip after realizing what I said; I just accused him indirectly. This whole situation is just getting so embarrassing.

Vidhan stopped laughing and came close to me. I stepped back when he came forward and kept his hands to the sides of me on the table. I was trapped between him and table. He leaned to my face making my heart racing wildly. 'God, help me please'

"Right now you are just pushing my buttons and making me think of things which I shouldn't think. I have no intentions to take advantage of you though you are looking so beautiful and naïve." He said in his deep silky voice which wasn't helping me at all.

"Will you please make yourself comfortable and sit for a while."

I opened my eyes which I don't remember when I closed them and found him standing little away from me; mischievous smile was plastered on his lips. I blushed furiously. He coughed then he turned abruptly and vanished into one of room.

After a minute he came back with one big folder in his hands.

"Here are the Menus; Place your order mam." He said as he handed me that folder.

"But you said all your servants are left in the morning? Who will make food for us?" I asked incredulously.

"Don't worry about the servants. I can make any dish you wish, so tell me what would you like to eat today?" wow I didn't know he knows cooking.

"Well,I would like to have butter chicken, steamed rice and for dessert Mango Ice cream with cherry toppings." I told him my order but I really doubt whether he can make it to my liking.

"Thank you for your order mam, I will come back soon with order till then you can freshen up and see around the garden. That door opens to the garden." He said pointing to the wooden door in left side of the room, I just nodded.

I splashed some cool water on my face and dried it with the clean towel. Then I went to see the garden.


Trees, bushes, plants, multiple color flowers and their essence are so blissful. There were beautiful Lotuses of different colors in the pond situated in the centre of the garden. I would like to spend my all day here, this place is so serene, so mesmerizing as if like a paradise.

I didn't remember how much time I spent in the garden, I even forgot that I was hungry. I got into room only after Vidhan called my name.

I instantly felt starving just by looking at the tempting food and it's delicious smell.

I instantly felt starving  just by looking at the tempting food and it's delicious smell

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"Whom you are waiting for, come on, let's dig in." Vidhan said as he placed the food in two plates.

Without wasting time, I settled in my chair and took spoonful of rice and butter chicken into my mouth. It was hot, spicy, and super delicious.

"Did you like it?" Vidhan asked after a minute as I kept eating without giving any feedback to his food.

"I loved it." I said smiling,

"I knew it you would." he smiled back happily.

to be continued....

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