Love me till eternity - Book VIII (Part 8)

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I couldn't spend a minute without thinking about her. I feel this strong urge to hold her in my arms for the lifetime, to look after her all needs and to give my immense love to her which she had never experienced even in her dreams.

I was so captivated by her sight again when she came for the date, wearing that silver color knee length dress which was precisely showing incredible curves of her fragile body, her soft hair tendrils were kissing her luscious cheeks, and the way she was becoming nervous and shy was turning me on. I so badly wanted to go and kiss her plum lips but I had to hold back my desires until she would know how much I love her.

But my heart sank when she started crying.......I got so confused and panic seeing her weeping all of sudden.....Did I scare her by proposing for marriage on our first date? But she said I didn't hurt her then why was she crying? Oh god! Ugh.....It's so confusing!

I was so concerned about her when she ran away, I called her to stop but she already left. I hope she would be fine now. I immediately called Mrs Granger and informed her about Kristen and also told her to let me know about her condition, I wanted to know if she is ok.


"It's time to move on Kristen. You can't spoil your beautiful future ahead because of that fucker and his awful memories." Emma spoke irately when I clearly told to Emma and mom that I can't trust or love any man. I feel like I shouldn't show any hopes to Luke because I know he would get hurt in the end when he will learn about my past with Blake.

"I am agree with Emma, you should forget what happened back, just believe in god that he wanted to give you all the happiness which you deserve my dear." Mom said earnestly.

"Luke deserves better girl. I know he would never accept a girl like me after knowing my spiteful past. He will show me sympathy or maybe he will just disgust of me. I don't want to see disgust in his eyes. I don't want to open my past to him or to anyone." I yelled in frustration and then cried my heart out. I don't know how to deal with this stabbing pain. Emma and Mom rush to my side and hugged me tightly and tried to calm me. I hugged them and cried until I got numb and tired.


After taking break of two days I started going office. I was keeping myself busy in work and I avoided seeing Luke though I was working in his office and our cabins were attached with glass wall and curtains.

I was surprised, shocked and yet I was glad that Luke didn't tried to ask me about the reason for my sudden outburst that day.

I think Luke gave up on me since it's more than six months passed already and he didn't asked me anything for explanation , but the strange thing is, it was bothering me so much that he has no interest to ask me why I was crying that day. What is wrong with me?

Whatever he said that night, did he mean it? How could he forget it so easily? Umm rich boys don't care much...they are immune to heart break....How could they probably know what is true love and what is heart-breaking pain? I was so silly to believe on his words. He might have forgotten everything already.


I was waiting for her to tell me by herself, I wanted to give her some time to recover and to think about my marriage proposal. Besides I was bit busy with so much work, meetings and new deals with some important clients.

Just today I got some time for me and now I am desperate to talk with Kristen. I kept Kristen little busy when there was five minutes to leave office, all staff left but Kristen was in her cabin doing work given by me. I entered in her cabin and slowly walked towards her, she was busily looking at the computer screen. I coughed a little, she lifted her head up and stared me with wide eyes.

"Why did you come? I'm almost done, just few minutes more, I will send you all the mails on your......" She said but I shushed her by keeping my finger on her soft lips. She abruptly stopped and stared at my finger on her lips. I removed my finger slowly from her lips and then sat on chair beside her.

"I wanted to talk with you Kristen." I said softly. She nodded.

"I didn't mean to freak out you, by asking directly for marriage but I did and later realized my mistake. I don't want to bug you to answer me and so I didn't ask you anything until today." I heaved a long sigh.

"I am honestly in love with you Kristen. I am not asking you for temporary affair with me. I wanted to make you mine respectfully by marring you. If you don't like me then it's ok, I won't pressure you, I only wanted to make sure that you know about my feelings and that's why I am opening my heart before you. Now you tell me honestly, do you love me?"

She lowered her head and tears fell down her cheeks. Oh god! Why she is crying again?

"Hey, please don't cry. I can't handle it when you cry." I wiped her tears.

"I can't marry you Luke. I am sorry." She whimpered. I exhaled heavy sigh.

"You could tell me it simply that you don't want to marry me. But I am sure that you are hiding something from me. I know something is bothering you. I beg you Kristen, please give me proper reason why don't you feel to marry me. I swear I will make it up to you" I said earnestly.

"I don't know how to tell you this......I don't know what you will think of me then.." She said looking sideways, her fingers were shaking and her face was almost red due to crying.

"I won't judge you Kristen. Just open up your heart." I encouraged her.

"I had a serious relationship with one boy in my past. His name is Blake........"

She told me everything happened between her and Blake, how he deceived her, and then from what critical conditions she gone through, how Mrs Granger and Emma supported her...

Now I got all the answers to my queries. She lowered her head swallowing her sob. I squeezed her shoulder gently and cupped her cheeks,

"I am so proud of you Kristen. You are very strong girl. Don't ever think bad of yourself. How I wish if my sister was strong enough just like you."

"You have sister?" Kristen asked curiously.

"I had one sister, Alice. She is no more now. She was crazily in love with one boy. After three years of relationship, that bastard married with another girl. He used her for money and physical pleasure. Alice was blind in his love, and the day he got married she fought with him in his marriage hall but he cruelly insulted her in front of all people and called her whore. She couldn't bear it and then in the next morning she cut her wrist." I closed my eyes in pain. Alice was everything to me, after her death I took my revenge on him. I kidnapped him by using my men and beat him to pulp. I ruined his business and made him devastated.

"Kristen, I know you are so beautiful but more than that you have very beautiful heart and a very strong soul. My respect for you have increased ten-folds more than earlier. And I bet my love for you will never die ever. Trust me and love me till eternity." I said solemnly. Her lips curved into beautiful smile that I can die for.

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"I am so lucky that you came in my life. Thank you so much for not giving up on me." She said, I chuckled. She hugged me and leaned on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and placed a kiss on top of her head.

The End....

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