Love me till eternity - Book VIII (Part 3)

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I groaned feeling excruciating pain in my stomach. I slowly opened my eyes. I rubbed my eyes to clear blurry vision and then I realized I was in hospital, lying on bed.

"Good, She is recovering slowly and awake now. You can meet her for a while but I have to say she still needs good rest and medical attention. Ok, I leave you two now." Doctor said to my friend and left the room.

I saw my friend Emma heading towards me. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she glanced at me and smiled weakly. My heart suddenly got heavy with sore incident with Blake that I let out harsh whimper, Emma rushed to my side and hugged me, I cried more clutching her tightly, I felt so vulnerable and devastated. She is the only one for me who can understand my situation.

"Don't cry Kristen. No more tears for that scoundrel." Emma said moving her hand up and down my spine to calm me but I couldn't stop my tears. They came more vigorously down my cheeks.

"I want to die Emma. I want to die. I don't want to live this fucking life anymore." I chanted fiercely through my tears.

"Shhhhhh, don't say like this. You have to be strong and please stop crying my dear; this is not good for your health." Emma was trying to console me but my heart is bleeding inside and the pain is so unbearable.

"Thanks a lot to almighty god that Mrs Granger had saw you unconscious and quickly called the ambulance." Emma said.

"How did she find about me?" I asked surprised. How could she probably know about me, was she stalking on me all this while?

Mrs Granger is my flat owner and my flat is in front of her flat. She must have unlocked my door with her spare key obviously. Whatever! I am still upset that she saved my life. It would be better if she would let me die peacefully. Ugh! This stalker woman!

"Mrs Granger heard your shouting and crying sound that night, she suspected that you both had fight. In the morning you didn't come out for your regular morning walk, she got suspicious and after an hour she decided to unlock your door with the spare key.

She saw you lying unconscious on floor. Your phone was ringing continuously because I was calling you at that time. She picked up the call and told me about your situation. She immediately called the ambulance.

You had mild panic attack and you were unconscious for two days. you also had miscarriage yesterday night. Oh God! you suffered a lot but I am glad you are safe now. Thanks heavens, Mrs Granger was there to look after you. She is really an angel." Emma said caressing my head.

I was shocked to hell.
I was unconscious for two days and I lost my baby. 
Hot tears streamed down my cheeks. I wanted to cry my heart out and scream but all the sobs constricted in my throat.
My life is so empty and meaningless. How I am going to live now? Without Blake!  without his love! without my baby!
Why god why?
I gave my love and my virginity to Blake and what did I get?
Is loving anyone truly is sin?
Why he had to betray me?
Where did I go wrong?.....

My head is going to explode now......
suddenly I feel difficult to breathe.....
I started panting heavily......
Emma panics seeing my condition, "Keep breathing Kristen, I call the doctor" she shout for the doctors. I fought to keep my eyes open but suddenly it went all dark in front of my eyes and then I passed away.

to be continued.....

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