Ch. 2 Emotions and Feelings

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Dark Space

It is a dark and cold place everything around him was empty. He was in somewhat in place standing in a dark place where no light can be seen but he can see his self even though there is no light. Wondering if this is Hell or Heaven and how can he be in Heaven even though he has done evil things such as killing with no remorse. 

I'm starting to feel scared of what I have done regretting all my life. It feels like this is my hell. How many years have I vowed to never speak? I wish to find a place where can I enjoy being helpful by killing evil.

Jacket was now sitting for more than 10 minutes and then lay down thinking all those things he has experienced as a SoldierVeteran, Murderer, a Sociopath. He had been having nightmares of these 3 figures that made him who he is right now a Killer. Now he met the three 3 figures who have now appeared in front of him. Richard, Rasmus, and Don Juan in the same room where he had first met. "You are free." the three figures said in unity.

"It seems our meeting has now on its end we won't be seeing again so this is our goodbye..." Richard said in a cryptic way.

  "I told you not to come back here! I see that my opinion of you doesn't matter... If you insist on returning here, then I should leave!"  Rasmus said in hate.

"If you're not feeling well, maybe you should rest? Some things work out best when you don't try so hard. No matter who you are, bearing too much weight... Inevitably leads to the collapse of everything." Don Juan said in worry.

These three Figures disappeared like dust the blew them from the wind. jacket has now felt at ease these chains that have been holding him back has been broken for he is now free, for the first time in his life he felt satisfied and so happy that he smiled like never before. He felt something in his heart it was warmth his hand was on his chest to feel again the warmth of his heart for he has never thought that he would never feel this again. The last he only felt this kind of warmth when his Mother and Father used to carry him in their hands as he reaches for the stars when he was just a kid. He is now feeling calm and New but still, his violent tendency never was removed for he was born within.

Violence follows wherever I go even in death.


Still, in his mind, he thought he is in hell or the purgatory. But the only hell he knows is the place where he once lived 'Earth' and also believes that heaven doesn't exist.

Then He saw an entity. This Entity turns out to be a dead soul, a  man who names himself "Monty" and offered him a new life "I will bring you to a new world that I created, I will also be watching you and the gift is those three devices "

"The First device grants you Blink- allows and to rapidly traverse mid-sized distances in an instant." It was bind to his arm, Jacket wasn't surprised for he has already seen the terrible things He saw and done.

"The Second device is an attachment to your gun it grants you infinite ammo, you can also change the type of bullets in your gun with no problem. Pretty cool ain't it? " Jacket was amused for he was sure he will really need it. He smirked at Monty then attached to his 'Piece'(His SMG).

"The Third Device... is well it must be implanted... So no worries I will use my power to make it less painful." After Monty finished talking Jacket was unable to move. He floated and then the third device suddenly went inside like it was a ghost, it went inside his chest. "Gives you faster Regeneration " Jacket is now on the ground breathing heavily as he feels the device implanted in his actually is working and he noticed that he has still gun wounds in his body but now was healing. he de-aged into his 20's which is likely to be better so he can have some good chicks...

Well back to the topic. Everything was complete the gifts were now equipped. "You will be teleported to a place where no one knows you and has no records of you of you living in this world. You will experience new things. Explore and learn my friend and you will find a new place that you will call 'Home'." Monty said."OH! You also get to keep your tape recorder or player whatever you call it and I add some few 'upgrades'. You can now record stuff faster and you don't need to rewind cuz its select it thru your mind also I didn't remove those tape sound effects cuz it's so cool when you use it. The best part is that has infinite Memory space."

Another flash of light flashed in front of him.


Somewhere in Mountain Glenn

No shit our Dude woke up in a ruined building Jacket was feeling a little dazed but the Regeneration device really made the recovery faster. Looking around him He found his current gear before he believed to somehow died. The gears were His altered Mac-10 known as  'Jackets's Piece' and his Hammer but when held his hammer it felt different like its blunt part was somehow can cut clean throats  he somehow also noticed an item or an object that wasn't familiar to him then he didn't even remember bringing one it was an Ember backpack inside it was a letter and it is written on it was "You might need It. :3" Jacket knew who was this letter from he gave a little smile and there was also his tape recorder in his pocket. He tested it by doing what Monty said to him and said to his mind and then press the play button at the same time.

"Now, enjoy the show."

It worked. His tape recorder work as what the Asian said. Now its time to test the infinite ammo device or I like to call "everymoviegunfights". So he aims at the sky then pulled the trigger the chamber like it goes like The ting goes skrrrahh  Pap, pap, ka-ka-ka(ka) Skidiki-pap-pap And a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom (boom) Skya (ah), du-du-Ku-ku-dun-dun (dun) Poom, poom. I made it funny cuz I ran out of ideas but anyway Jacket keep shooting as to make sure it was really working and also he remembered that he can change bullets without the gun making problems so he pressed the special attachment then it appeared a hologram screen with the list of Bullets then Jacket Selected the '.221Remington' then a  screen appeared an instruction saying for him to remove and reattach the Magazine clip and so he did when he heard a beep sound that tells you it is activated then start shooting some walls and it did the bullets change for it really made a lot of damage on the walls that jacket was shooting at. "This gun is good" the Recorder played.

Howls can be heard below the building where Jacket was. He looks over the edge and saw some bigass black wolf with some skeleton plating on its head there were 5 of them. "Allons-y." (Let's go.) jacket said. He then came down in 10 feet drop but Jacket didn't mind the pain for he craves something 'alive'  to be tested out. As soon as these strange wolfs notice jacket he had already was on their back one was his head was open up by one bash on its head due to Jacket's new Hammer, then jacket grabbed the dead wolf body the threw it to the other wolf who was closing on him and was disable its attack giving Jacket an 'open' then Jacket used the back part of his hammer stabbed it in his guts and opened making the wolf cry in pain. Three wolves who was left  started surrounding Jacket then three wolves jump Jacket at the same time but this leads them to their death when Jacket pulled out his 'Piece'( altered Mark 10) Blowing their head by a shrapnel bullet blowing their heads the reason this gun is sweet because its rate-of-fire of 1,200 regardless what the bullet is selected.the weirdest part when Jacket killed all of them there was no blood. Jacket was in silence for he knew this is a new world.

Then he went around the ruins  searching some useful information it took him almost half the day search some useful stuff  but all he found was Maps of the world and some books about some information about the wolves that he had just he found out that those things are called 'Grimms' and there was more variety of them but that didn't worry Jacket because he can't take them with no problems but know he plans to go to a civilized place He found a path leading to city called "Vale" and so Jacket went to a long road humming and apreciating the view and the sounds of birds chirping as he went down to the road.

NOTE: Jacket's Piece is an Altered version of Mark 10 and I shortened its name by calling it 'Piece' and as for his Carpenter's delight is just "Hammer" and its undamagable. The way jacket speaks is thru his Cassette player called "Walkman" from the 80s and if you got any some problems in my book please message me cuz I'm new and I need help.

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