ch.9 Sunset

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While  still walking around with the girl, Jacket had doubt about the girl claiming she got wandered off to her parents. Walking from place to place, Jacket didn't even tried to ask any people around he thought about staying quiet for the whole time that the girl might get leave him alone.

Jacket went to a weapon shop trying to look for gears as it turns out you can also use their worship to tinker weapons and gears. Looking around the shop observing weapons and reading some magazines about weapons he noticed that most things can transform in to either a gun or a blade. This made Jacket felt disgusted as the weapons looks complicated, he prefer more simple and straightforward weapons for example a hammer use to crack some skulls. 

Girl: Wow. there's so many cheap weapons. Are you also interested in weapon sir..

J: *click* Richard...*click* 

Girl: Sorry for the late introduction. allow me to introduce myself, my name is Penny! 

the girl saluted with a bright smile, Jacket replied with a nod

Penny: so Mr. Richard why are we here? 

Jacket replied with a 'idk' gesture, Penny tilted her head in wonder.

looking around for a while as penny was still behind him as he was looking for something to buy he then found a 'how to' book about making your own weapon. He then grabbed it and purchased it and also some  Red and White dust.

Leaving the shop Jacket then went to a carpentry shop bought a nail gun, some nails, rope, coils, and some screws. With some few money Left, Jacket felt a bit hungry and so the Bar he goes. Arriving at the Local bar Penny stayed outside as Jacket went inside. It was somewhere around 2am and it was too early to drink. Sitting down at the bar, Beard then offered him a free drink. "It's on the house.... Trust me its not alcoholic, It's just one of my special mix." As Jacket ordered a sandwich. Beard then went to the kitchen and made Jacket a sandwich. While Jacket was taking his time waiting for his order he was wondering what to do next. After thinking what that do he then opened his 'how to' book and started to research to kill time. 

10 minutes Later

Beard: Here's your order man, Made with love... 

             By the way aren't you gonna buy something for your friend waiting outside?

Jacket then looked to the window and still saw Penny waiting outside looking to him thru the window. Jacket was a bit creeped out and felt a pity on her. Jacket asked Beard to put the remaining sandwich in the bag. Jacket then grabbed stuff and left the bar.

As Penny saw him leaving at the door she then went to jacket and gave him a smile and asked how was sandwich Jacket replied with "Finewith his cassette. Jacket then went his way back to his car as  Penny was still following. Jacket then asked Penny  if she would like to wait and look for his parents at the Bay and with no hesitation, Penny gave Jacket a smile and said " I've always wanted to see the sea!". Jacket then nodded as this girl doesn't really care about the chances of her getting in danger in riding in some stranger's car. 

Ignorance sure is a bliss.

As Penny went inside his delorean she smelled a whiff of blood but she didn't asked but kept quiet about it.


Arriving at the Bay, Jacket parked his car that has the nice view as they both get out the car Penny's eyes widened and was amazed at the view. "Wooow the sea!!!" She screamed in happiness as she leans forward at the railings.

But when she leans forward  too much she fell but luckily Jacket was able to grab her before she could  have completely fell. 

*click* Are you alright, friend? *click* Jacket asked if she was okay.

"I'm alright. Thanks a lot Mr. Richard... wait! did you just called me a Friend?!" Penny replied but as she heard friend, she then was in joy. 

*click* Yes *click* Jacket replied.

After confirming Penny was full of joy and Jacket could somehow feel the Joyness the she's feeling. As Penny talks about her joy having a friend, she also told Jacket she has been longing for a friend as Jacket listened to the girl who was following him all day he also felt that also found a new friend. 


The girl has no soul.. For now...


As Jacket Calmly sat at the hood of his car and penny Standing at the railing as both of them watched the Sun goes down.

Awed by the view Penny was happy to find a friend and explore the city Jacket don't know but Penny is an android not actually  a Human being. Penny knew if she reveals her true self she might not be able to experience being a human girl at and people might avoid her.

As the sun goes down, a Man with Sophisticated white uniform walked up to them. "Penny...." the man said in a monotone voice looking at penny. Penny's mood then went down and looked down at the ground. The Man then went up to Jacket and said "Mr. Richard, I'm sorry for troubling you and please take this money as thanks and I you'll forget what happened today." Jacket gladly accepted.

As the Man and Penny Left Jacket stopped Penny. As penny looked back Jacket walked up to the her and gave her a strange key chain. *click* See you later, friend *click* then went to his car and left. 

Penny smiled as she received a gift to her first friend that is not  she will never see again.

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