Ch.3 Observe

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The is sun has set and now Jacket has begun to see lights over the trees, so he walked in haste, where the source of light was coming from, He found a road leading to it and so he followed. There were no Vehicles in his sight, later on, he finally arrived. The place was filled with numerous shops and the building was made in a vibrant and diverse culture.  there weren't many people around but maybe its because Jacket is still wearing his mask his Chicken/Cock mask giving the other people avoid him, but Jacket did notice that his still wearing his mask so he quickly removed and put it in his backpack, and so he went around the place and somehow seeing more and more people, there were some people with animal features some has feathers or scales on their skin while others have tails like but there are still people who don't have animal features in his mind he talked to him self this is indeed a strange world. Jacket heard some people in his surrounding talking bad stuff about those people that have animal features and Jacket discovered that these people are called 'Faunus' but they act like a normal human.

It seems racism exists where you go 

Jacket wanted to get some higher grounds, he went to find the nearest building that has or might have emergency stairs the can lead him to the roof of a building luckily he found a building called ' From Dust till Dawn' it seems he can go from rooftop to rooftop without getting attention and  getting better layout of the surroundings before he went up the building inside there was only an old man inside and a girl with a red hood who was just reading some magazines but jacket didn't mind them , he went to the back fo the building and went up to the rooftop. But it seems something caught his attention he saw lunchbox and inside it was 2 sandwiches and 1 bottle of water :), so sat at the edge of the building looking at the shattered moon and stars while eating the sandwich he found he didn't care whos the owner of it he or she may be left it there.

This is a really strange world but it's kinda boring, I wanna see some actions.

Then He saw a group of guys in in black suits and red ties and in the center of the group he saw a guy Pimp looking guy with orange hair and with a cane and wearing white. These group came out from an alley heading to the shop where Jacket was while eating his sandwich on the rooftop but these men look like they are about to raid the shop and Jacket wanted some entertainment so he watches these men that are about to raid this shop. He came down after finishing eating and sat on the other side of the street and waiting for something to happen. As these men went inside the shop Jacket can see thru the glass that these men are robbing the shop they were armed with blades but jacket wanted to see some action but before he could leave He saw one of the men that were interrogating the girl with the 'Red' hood  this man pulled out red a blade or a sword jacket wanted to help but suddenly this man flew away from the girl. "Seems this girl wants to be a hero. "said to his mind. Jacket settle down and watched the scene. Jacket saw the other guy aimed a gun at the girl but the girl gave this guy a flying kick both of them came out in the window and broke the glass the guy was knocked out. Something got Jacket's interest this girl pulled some kind of object that was also colored red and black and it transformed into a big ass scythe . "why would this girl go around and bring a weapon is this legal?" he said to his mind. Meanwhile the while the girl was fighting these men in suits he saw the pimp guy trying to escape by going to the roof jacket followed without being noticed he went to an area where he can't be seen and the girl also followed she flew straight to the roof.

"Hey," said the girl to the pimp.

"Persistent" the Pimp replied and turned to the girl in red

Then a chopper with no blades came, the pimp guy jump in the vehicle and threw some red crystal to the girl and shot something in his Cane it was a white light going to the crystal, the crystal blew up. The girl in red was okay but there was someone in front of her it was a blonde lady she shielded the girl in red. "Magic?" Jacket said to his mind, the woman was attacking the bladeless chopper but someone was also attacking back at her fire was coming out and so on. Jacket was amazed that these people were doing strange things it was like magic and shit meanwhile the chopper left and escaped and Shot some rockets from the girl and the blonde woman but they dodge it. It was now quiet and the girl in red asked for an autograph of this blonde woman and now this woman was still in silent with an angry face. Jacket was now done watching he went down but before he could reach the ladder he heard a female voice 

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