Ch.10 Survive

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Fucking shit, that fucking monster. *moans in pain* Broken legs, my friends dead, I knew we shouldn't have shot him. Just you wait you fucking low-class shit i'll get my fucking revenge.

They was only one person survived Jacket's game. It's already been 40 hours since Jacket broke the bones who ganged up on him. The person who manage to survive was named Krate.

Krate manage to survive because he is one of his gangs 'little medic'. Due to his knowledge and experience of treating injuries he was able to survive longer but either way he couldn't completely treat his current injury due to Jacket's special beating. Krate was able slow the bleeding from his legs and other wounds.

Krate lost a lot of blood and he's slowly dying and also due to a lack of knowledge of where he is, he doesn't even know where to go but he keep on going. Tired and Hungry he still try his best to get help.

He still have hope in him yet it was fading as he keeps hearing howls of Grimms around him. Scared but he still keeps on going. crawling on ground  like fucking turtle as his arms were also badly injured he tried his best to suppress the pain that he's going thru.

Crawling for several hours he was slowly losing energy.

I don't wanna die, i don't wanna die, i don't wanna die...

Scared of death. He repeated the same sentence in his head again and again hoping that it will give him motivation to keep on hanging on life.

after few hours of crawling he rested on a tree. Found a stick and used it as a cane.

Krate: Fuck this. How am I gonna escape this fucking place!

In anger krate punched the tree. Calming down he used his cane to pick the apples in the tree. treating his wounds he crafted a makeshift cast for his broken legs. After a couple of hours of rest he awoken by a sound of cars.

He then made haste his way to the source of the sound. Then he found a road. In joy he smiled and waited for car to give him a lift back home...

Safe House

2 days later Jacket was chilling in his couch watching some random channel on the TV then something took his interest. A "House Tour" Channel, He was intrigued by the design of each rooms he saw. Looking at his house,  Jacket has decided to some renovation. He quickly texted Clark.

J: I want to renovate my Home. Can you help me go for a shopping.

Clark: ..... Seriously? All right i'll help you. I'll pick you up this afternoon.

And so Jacket then went to take a shower...

note: sorry making it short. 

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