ch. 11 I used to be.. (part 2)

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Furniture aisle 

Jacket was just minding his own business looking for the best couch. As each couch, he tried to snuggle comfortably doesn't feel right. A salesman tried to tell him he can't lay down on the displays but sit on it. 

Salesman: "Sir can you please not put your feet at the display furniture."

J: *click* "-No" *click*

Jacket tried and tried but can't find the right Couch to buy. He gave up and get back up as soon he turned his head he saw something that amazed his eyes. His eyes widened, glorified of what he saw. A DOUBLED DECK COUCH THAT SPINS. It wowed Jacket. 

Jacket kneeled on the ground with his arms up high praising in the air.

J: *click* I'll Take this one. *click*

Jacket then felt something on his head. "Gimme all of your money," said the person behind. Jacket then stood up and acted out he was getting his wallet. He swiftly turned around and grabbed the gun of the man behind him. As Jacket has the gun he saw there are two men behind him. One of them is holding the salesman with a knife and the other he unarmed. Jacket Shot the one with a knife on his hands. As that person dropped the knife and let go of the salesman. Jacket shot the other man in the head.

Jacket then slowly walked to the man who got shot in the hand and kicked his face. Dragging him to the wall and started stomping his head like a bull. The head started turned into a red mashed potato as each stomped got Jacket's Foot sprinkled with blood.

Jacket wiped his shoes with nearby fliers piled next to the dead body. Walking his way back to the food stalls, Jacket wondered if  Clark was all right.


Clark was hiding behind the food stalls and was still slowly savoring the DUMMY THICC BACON BURGER WITH EXTRA MUDAFUCKING CHEESE. Slowly biting his burger, one robber was checking the stall where he is.

As the robber slowly peeked inside, Clark then grabbed a pan that has still burning oil in it and pour on the robber. While the robber was screaming with pain, Clark slide kicked him and punched him as he fell on the ground. 

Clark pulled out his Customized pistol with a suppressor that shoots lead the same as Jacket but it's using red dust. there were still robbers only a few of them left. Clark went to find a fire alarm.

When Clark was about to press the alarm he was grabbed by someone big and was thrown away from an alarm. Clark was really was hurt badly. the person who threw him was very big and strong.

"I believe I cant let you officer," The big robber said.

Without hesitation, The robber rushed towards him. Clark started shooting him but his bullets weren't giving him enough damage. Clark barely dodges as he tried to run away from the robber. Clark needed a stronger weapon to take him down but before he could think he was hit by a wooden plank and lost consciousness.


Jacket saw Clark being tied up with the hostages. One of the robbers was screaming at the radio because one of his men was missing. There were 7 robbers near the hostages two of them were armed with rifles, a big guy and 4 of armed with blades and blunt weapons.

Jacket started making a distraction by making a ruckus in one of the aisles. 3 robbers were sent to check the commotion. 

As the three spread out, Jacket jumped down of one them and slits its throat, grabbed the guy's blunt weapon and threw at one who was about to shoot him and knocked him down. with the other guy charged and swing his sword at Jacket. Jacket dodge and grabbed the gun on the floor and shot him at the shoulders paralyzing him. The robber muttered and charged again at Jacket with a kick but was shat again in the thighs making him kneel on the ground. Jacket grabbed a pipe and slowly walks towards him. 

*click*" let's have fun.."*click*

Jacket swung the pipe at the robber's knees and the robber screamed in pain. Jacket then hit grabbed his' throat and pulled them wide open. Jacket bloodlusts were now triggered

The remaining 

robbers were alerted. Jacket then rushed his way back to the hostages. but was met by the big guy. the big guy punched Jacket causing him to be knocked back. Jacket was able to resist the tenacity of the big guy's attack. Jacket started jumping on top of him smashing his head with his hammer. 

Jacket then grabbed both of the big guy's eyes and pulled it out then grabbed it's tongue and also pulled it out. The big guy was in deep pain. Jacket then let him bleed to death. 


Jacket slowly went to the room where Clark and the hostages were kept. Jacket opened the room and was shot in the shoulders.

Robber 1: Don't fucking dare stand up or I'll kill this woman here.

J: ......

Robber 1: Tie him up!

One of the robbers was about to tie jacket but then jacket resisted and headbutted him knocking him down. Jacket grabbed his knife then started stabbing him mercilessly. The other robber started shooting Jacket but Jacket didn't show any reaction but kept stabbing him. triggering 'Fear' in everyone in the room. The robber who shot him has already had an empty clip Jacket then went up to him and ripped his guts open. 

The room was in silence with the last robber who was holding a hostage he was horrified and let go of the hostage he was holding. on his knees, he was begging for mercy.

Jacket went up to him and gave him a mercy killing by snapping his neck. With all the robbers dead everyone was in silence. Jacket untied Clark. 

Clark started freeing the hostages and was still in silence. His mind was clouded of insanity because of what he has seen. It was really brutal of how Jacket killed the robbers. He was a beast who cannot be messed and tamed with.

Ignoring what Jacket did the store manager free charges of what he will buy.

"It's on the house"

Jacket then brought home His new Workshop table, Couch and a new HD TV. Clark had to stay behind to clean up 'his mess'

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