Chapter 5: The Seven; Six Sages

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Link and Epona were so close to the Gerudo Desert that he could feel the sand stinging his face already. Epona was obviously exhausted; Link was overwhelmingly saddle sore; but they were so close. It was a mix between greed, a hardworking man, and desperation that is bringing him here.

After what must've felt like a millennium to the poor steed, they were on the edge of the Gerudo Desert and Link was satisfied enough for some sleep. Epona fell right out the moment Link stepped off. Link pulled out the food in his bag and at the bottom, there was a thin blanket to protect him from the cold night. At least, try to protect him. Link was also exhausted from his internal mental battle that raged all day.

When morning came, Link awoke and smiled; he didn't have a nightmare for the first time in a while. When he was awake enough to open his eyes fully and stand, he noticed that Epona had been awake and that she's ready to go. He collected his things and hopped right on her. It would be a matter of minutes before they were at the Arbiter's Grounds.

Link rode without his usual sightseeing. His mind was on the goal at hand--whatever the goal was. All he knew was that he wanted more than anything to stand in the Mirror Chamber once again, no matter the painful memories. At least the memories would be of a person he felt safe with, a person he could relate to.

His mind was so cluttered that when he left Epona at the entrance of the grounds, he was only concerned with the way to the Mirror Chamber and didn't have the time to look around to see where he was or to reminisce about his adventure. He knew the path by heart and stared strictly ahead the entire way.

After a few minutes, Link had gotten up to the chamber. He took a look around, fighting back harsh memories. The seven pedestals for the sages still stood as they had the last time, and the frame for the mirror was intact, unlike what it was made for.

There wasn't even a trace of the Mirror of Twilight; it was as if the shards hit the ground but dissolved into the air. Certainly couldn't glue it together again...

What was Link saying? Glue it together? Did that mean something more than he initially figured it would...?

Fighting off the bitter memories was difficult, and it left his mind blank. As he stared off, fighting his unconscious war, he was snapped out of his trance when six ghostly men reappeared on the pedestals. The Seven Sages, or rather, the Six Sages since Ganondorf was last here.

"Why do you return, Hero?" One asked. Link looked up.

"Because I wanted to, and I could. Is there a problem?" He replied rudely. The Sage didn't seem to notice.

"There is desire in your heart, Hero. You may share it with us if you like."

"Desire? Heck yeah. I want my life back. You know, the one the Goddesses took away? The one where I was an ignorant kid in the village who was going to life his life herding goats?" He snapped. The Sage ignored it once again.

"Child, you must learn to come to terms with fate, and destiny. What the Goddesses bestowed upon you was a gift-" Link cut him off before he could finish.

"A gift? This horror and fear is what you call a gift? My depression? I've lost everyone because no one understands me. I've tried so hard to get what I had back. But its gone. That and everything you gave to me is gone too."

"How so?"

"MIDNA!" Link screamed. He stood defiantly until he mentioned her name. He bowed his head in embarrassment. The Sages remained quiet. Finally, one spoke.

"Young Hero... we feel as if you have yet to realize what everything you have experienced means. People come and go for a reason. It is-"

"Fated by the Goddesses. Do you know how many times I've heard that? Too many. How about we make an... agreement?" The Sages all seemed to flinch at the word in unison.

"What... kind of agreement?" One nervously asked.

Link slowly unsheathed his sword. The closest Sage was right above him; but not too high that his sword couldn't reach. He held the handle in one hand and delicately held the blade in the other. It was no Master Sword, but it would do.

"You guys are the Seven--no, excuse me--Six Sages. Tell me that you don't have the knowledge of the world without lying." The Sages stood nervously.

"We cannot say we don't," one finally answered. Link chuckled.

"So, in you admitting that, I'm sure you're aware that only the true ruler of the Twili can utterly destroy the Mirror of Twilight," Link teased. They all nodded.

"And I'm also assuming you know that I can tell you're aware of a way to bring it back."

The Sages all had the same emotion on their faces; unreadable. Not in the sense that it was emotionless, but in the sense that it was a perfect combination of confusion, bewilderment, and Link's new favorite... hatred.

"No, you are incorrect. The Mirror of Twilight has been destroyed, and there is no way to restore it. " One of them blurted. Link sent a glance that sent a message; something like, "yeah... right." The Sages' emotion turned from the mixture to full bewilderment. Link knew that he had them.

"So...?" Link asked.

"So, what?" a Sage replied.

"How do you repair the mirror?"

"You don't." Link laughed. He stopped holding his sword harmlessly and extended his arm to the neck of a Sage.

"You saw what the wielder of the Triforce of Power did to one of you... what about Power andCourage?" The Sages were confused; until Link showed the back of his hand. There, two thirds of the Triforce were shining. Each Sage let out a half-gasp, half-cry.

"The Triforce of Power is the section of the Triforce that provokes greed, and that is why there are so many legends of war and death. You'd be bright to not let it overtake you, Hero."

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Link screamed and jabbed the tip of his sword ever closer to the Sage's neck. The Sage winced. "Now, you're going to tell me what I want, or you won't even be the Six Sages for much longer," he threatened. The Sages looked around at each other, and one began to speak.

"The Triforce combined has the ability to make any wish come true," he said. "even one that was originally irreversible. A true leader of the Twili still doesn't have power over the Triforce; the Goddesses created them both."

Link glanced down the back of his hand. The two triangles were growing ever brighter; the strength of the Goddesses resonating in his spirit.

"I have two," Link said.

" need three," the Sage said reluctantly. Link pulled his sword away from his hostage's throat.

"Thanks," Link said wickedly, and he sauntered happily out of the Mirror Chamber.

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