Chapter 9: Going on an Adventure

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Link and Zelda sat there in utter despair. Their hands were still suspended in their lines of sight, and they felt paralyzed. They couldn't think, they couldn't process what had just happened to them. They had been stripped of their blessing due to greed and disobedience; they knew that, but they didn't understand. They had been so incredibly certain, even if it was just hoping for the positive, that the Goddesses couldn't reassign the blessings unless the mortal died. They didn't become reckless after receiving that knowledge, per se, but they became rude and disloyal to the ones that had chosen them specifically, especially if they had the ability to take back and regift. They felt guilt, stupidity, and an even deeper feeling of desperation now that the only way to repair the mirror was taken away from them.

The negative feelings they were experiencing were temporarily interrupted by the awkwardness of how they had awoken. Not the pain, but Zelda's head being in the crook of Link's neck, and his head resting upon hers. Even though they had moved their heads and had been sitting in dreadful silence for a few moments now, they still felt the lingering heat and a small cold sweat patch of where their skin was touching for what they assumed to be most of the night, and the duration of the nightmare-esque teleportation--experience--thing. They weren't exactly sure of what to call it. They both realized their head positionings, but not the fact that their non-dominant hands here resting on top of one another's. Neither of them noticed, or bothered to move. 

Their breathing was quick and choppy; they both had headaches and a sense of burning remained on their hands. They sat there for quite some time--neither of them could think of what to say or do next. Zelda eventually came to her senses, the first of the two, and stood suddenly. She then realized that Link's hand had been on hers. The sudden movement woke Link up as well.

"Link..." Zelda said with a gravelly voice. She cleared her throat and continued. "I do believe it is time for us to part ways." She said defiantly. Link jumped up and circled around Zelda, who had her back to the tree and was facing the direction of the castle. 

"Zelda, I don't think you want to do that," he said.

"Why not?" She asked annoyedly. 

"You're the queen that they feel they need to keep a leash on, am I correct?" He had to think quickly.


"I'll take that as a yes," he replied, trying to remain calm to calm Zelda down. "And I'm guessing they flaunt that Triforce of Wisdom to all the nearby kingdoms?"

"The Triforce that I don't have anymore? Yeah, yeah they do..." Realization washed over Zelda at the end of her sentence. "...I can't go back there now." Link nodded. He wasn't trying to be selfish, he was being sincere. One of the first times he wasn't trying to be selfish these past few days.

"But where am I going to go?" Zelda began to panic. Link grabbed her shoulder softly and tried to hold her somewhat still. 

"You can come with me," Link said. Zelda froze and looked at him with an unreadable expression.

"But, the kingdom--" Zelda made an excuse out loud, but cut herself off when she realized the kingdom was running itself without her even when she was there. Link watched as excuses flashed through her mind, but she discarded them. After a few moments, she finally found a reasonable excuse.

"All of my clothing is in the castle," Zelda said. A solution came to his mind immediately, making him chuckle.

"The Resistance knows their way around the castle after helping me get to Ganondorf," Link countered, "and I could probably get them to sneak into the laundry room. It's right next to the side entrance, and we know very well how lightly guarded the place is." Zelda opened her mouth to object like she always does, but she closed it before she began. Link knew he had won. In Link's small victory, he was celebrating internally and briefly when Zelda did something Link would have never expected in a situation like this; she smiled mischievously.

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