Chapter 8: The Goddesses have their Triforce

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Suddenly, the light retracted and they both fell to their knees, gasping. They saw its yellow glow in front of them, but they couldn't see anything other than that but a white void. They were on a nonexistent ground, gasping, trying to rid the aftershock of the pain.

The two didn't even notice that the other was there. They came into a fully conscious state, able to control their actions. When they collected themselves, they saw each other, and ran together. Zelda knew Link had his sword, and Link knew he had to protect Zelda from whatever that light was, and from wherever they were. They reunites but didn't even look at one another before turning and making sure to watch their backs from the light. Link drew his sword, but with difficulty. The pain wasn't going away for either of them.

They watched in confusion and hatred as the light split into two, and then one of them split once more, making a total of three. They lined up and slowly began to take human-like figures.

The one in the center began to take the human shape, and immediately turned from the yellow glow if light to the red glow of fire. The one on the right turned the green of the forest. The one on the left turned a blue of Lake Hylia. The two on the sides seemed to stop forming, but the one in the center continued.

Her feminine outline began to show through the red haze. Her skin was the color of gray ash, and her eyes were as red as a volcano. Her hair, red as well, draped from her head to almost past her ankles. She wore black leggings and a low, half-tunic, half-dress. Her forehead was wrapped in a golden strip of fabric tied on the back if her head, and adorned on it was the Goron's Ruby, or the Spiritual Stone of Fire.

The one to the right continued next. Her skin was very pale. Her cheeks were freckled slightly, and her face overall was the embodiment of a child, but in an adult body. Her jade eyes pierced and her green tunic closely resembled Link's. She had a necklace with a pendant shaped like a blue ocarina, and her green hair was shoulder length in the front but three flowing ponytails far past her feet came from the back. Her forehead was adorned with the Kokiri Emerald, or the Spiritual Stone of Courage.

The final figure on the left had peach colored skin and her elven ears, unlike the other two women's, were pierced with blue gemstones. Her dress was strapless and droopy, with a light gray base. The banner on the front was a sea blue with the Triforce in gold at the bottom. The dress hung well past her feet and rested on the ground. Both her necklace and forehead wrap bore the Zora's Sapphire, or the Spiritual Stone of Water.

The realization of the identities of these figures didn't immediately come to Link and Zelda. The trio stated at the duo and vice versa for a few long moments. The one in red abruptly spoke.

"Oh, you better know who we are!" She said almost childishly. The one in blue gently touched her shoulder to calm her down. It seemed to work. Zelda and Link were still in some pain and were confused, but they both seemed to snap out of the trance at the same time. They bowed to the Goddesses in unison.

"Oh, just stand. We know how you feel about us." Zelda and Link knew that this was Din, the Goddess of Power. Farore, the one in green, spoke up.

"Din." She said sternly. Din calmed once again. Nayru, the Goddess in blue, stepped forward towards Zelda. Nayru's soft gray eyes looked into Zelda's.

"Hylia, my dear, you've changed so much," Nayru said softly. Zelda hated being called Hylia, but this was Nayru speaking to her.

"That's not Hylia," Din said bitterly, "that's the little twerp who's abusing your blessing. And her boyfriend there, abusing Farore's and mine. You dare call her Hylia?" Farore didn't try to calm her. She seemed to agree.

"Din. You want to see the Hylia in her? I'll do it right now." Nayru said angrily. She snapped her fingers and a harp appeared out of the air. She handed it to Zelda and she reluctantly took it. Nayru touched Zelda's right hand and closed her eyes. Zelda closed hers and readjusted the harp, preparing to play. Link knew that she didn't play any instruments. How did she know this suddenly?

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