Chapter 6: Hyrule Castle

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When Link ran away from Ordon the day before, he considered two things. Return to the Mirror Chamber for whatever reason, or seek the castle for refuge. When the evil had left Hyrule after Link was victorious, all damage done to the castle had been reversed. He knew that even if it was somewhat embarrassing, if he asked for a room, Zelda would pity him and agree. 

Even after the glorious outcome of his Mirror Chamber visit, Link was still unsure as to why he had gone in the first place. When he asked the Sages about the way to restore the Mirror of Twilight, he was faking his confidence; he had no idea that there was actually a way. Maybe he was unconsciously hopeful, and he wound up saying it out loud! Oh well, things turned out all right.

Link wasn't exactly the planning type, but he figured Zelda missed Midna too and wanted to reverse Midna's poor decision. Why would she do that? I understand it was to prevent evil, but what if the Twili needed our help in something, or vice versa? If Zelda agreed with Link, she's happily give him the third Triforce shard that she held, so they could fix things. The next step was to get to Hyrule Castle.

Link rode Epona all the way to Castle Town and left her out front. He went in, and it was midday by now. The town was bustling with busy people. Link made his way to the castle courtyard's entrance, which was blocked by a guard.

"What business do you have here?" The guard asked.

"I need to speak with Princess Zelda. She knows who I am, if you tell her my name is Link." The guard was hesitant.

"...okay, I'll let her know." He called for another guard to come over, muttered some sentences to him, and the guard was on his way. The one I was originally speaking to stood still.

"I will shortly be informed of Zelda's decision. Please wait patiently." Lin nodded and stood there, somewhat awkwardly, unsure of where to go. He knew exactly where Zelda would be in the castle; on the throne in the very center of the first room, directly in front of the entrance. It wouldn't take much time to inform her or anything. While Link was thinking, the guard from before returned. 

"Princess Zelda is slightly busy today. She has time to see you, but very little of it. What exactly do you wish to ask her?" he guard inquired.

"I need to discuss some things about the reign of terror Ganondorf had brought. If she is so busy, may I have a guest room until tomorrow when she has time?" Link asked innocently. He wanted to act slightly hurt and in need of refuge, which he somewhat was; but not as much as before. He thought he could find some ways to survive on his own, pleading for refuge being one of them.

The guard was reluctant, but he relented. 'I'll get someone to lead you to a room," he said. Link was laughing internally. He easily convinced guards to Hyrule Castle to let him in. The guard turned and ran after another one, and he explained the situation. He led the new one back to where Link was. The new one motioned for Link to follow him, and Link did.

Much to his surprise, the guard was leading Link straight to the front door of the castle. If what he had suspected was true, Zelda would see him and recognize him. Well, what did it matter? It had been two days, and she already knew he was here. The thought of this put a smirk on Link's face for whatever reason. Maybe it was the thought of how Zelda would react when she saw he persuaded his way into the castle?

The doors were already cracked open to and extent. Link assumed it wasn't just because they wanted fresh air in... they looked like it took five men to swing them open. The fateful day Link was here, luckily the harsh wind took care of this problem. He entered the castle, pretty shocked at he comparison from to days ago to now. The huge room was lit, there was no debris, and the goddess statue's head was fixed, whereas last time it was broken off and resting on the ground. The room was heavily populated with guards, well-dressed people, and maids going about their business. in the center of the room was the most important person in Hyrule--Princess Zelda. 

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