Chapter 14: Bulbin

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The goblin was usually accompanied by some minions on smaller boars, but this time he wasn't. He was angrily knocking building after building down, looking diligently for something; or someone.

Link stepped out of the house nervously and confusedly. he had no clue why Bulbin was here, but he was certain that he was looking for a fight. Link thought he had turned Bulbin away from the evil in the land, but obviously not if he was now vigorously searching for the two.

That thought made Link realize something huge. Link and Zelda were at one time the good in the world; but now they had come to accept the evil inside of them and they weren't going to hide their shadows. Even if they had no current intentions, they knew it was within them.

This deep thought is what gave Bulbin the chance to notice Link standing there mindlessly. He charged with deadly speed at him, and Link deftly rolled out of the way before he ws hit. Link was sure that Bulbin wouldn't speak until one or the other had won, so Link stood, waiting for Bulbin to make the first move and confirm that this was his desire.

Link had been so certain that he was taken aback at King Bulbin's voice.

"Where is she?" The goblin demanded. Link puffed his chest out, faking confidence.

"Why do you need to know?" Link replied with an annoyed question. He was just trying to stall the battle he was incredibly nervous for and trying to give Zelda more time to prepare for the worst, or inevitable.

"Because I am searching for her," Bulbin answered in similar annoyance. Link scowled.

"Well, you've come to the wrong place. She's not here, she's at the castle, where the Queen of Hyrule should be, genius." Bulbin scowled as well. He seemed to be purposely mirroring Link's emotions, as if he was teasing, which angered Link even more. 

"You don't think I was sent by some important people? I was told she was kidnapped, and I was asked to find her." Link's stomach dropped. He knew the goblin king wasn't joking; Hyrule Castle was actually looking for her.

"...who was ruling there then?" Link asked. Bulbin let out a yellow-toothed grin.

"Ah, so you have admitted your knowledge of the queen's whereabouts. But I'll be gracious and tell you. Some family member? A cousin, I believe," Link felt a chill burst throughout his spine, just imagining Zelda's reaction to all of this. Hyrule actually missed her? And they sent Bulbin to retrieve her?

Link's memory of Bulbin's last words, at least, what he expected to be his last words, rang in his head. 

 I always follow the strongest side. That's all I have ever known...

He was with Hyrule Castle now. Did he believe in them over Link? Well, he may have been right to. Link wasn't just bringing the queen on a joyride. He basically kidnapped the queen in order to risk the world's welfare.

Bulbin turned his eyes and head in the opposite direction, thinking he heard a noise. Link was so enraged that he clutched his sword tight and slashed at the green monster. A long, wide gash opened on the beast's unprotected upper arm, making him yell in pain. In an instant, he had the boar heading straight at Link once again, but Link was too close to avoid it fully. He knew this, so instead of putting all of his effort in dodging to the right, he also focused on ducking. He was hit by a rampaging hoof, leaving an instant bruise on his thigh.

Bulbin angrily turned his boar at Link, but knew well enough to not charge. He went forward, not at full speed, and lowered his weapon slightly in preparation to hit Link. Link couldn't recover in time to dodge the weapon, but the blade was large, bulky, and blunt, and only hit him, not leaving a wound or gash. He fell to the ground, his sword still in hand, the wind knocked out of him.

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