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Lacy's POV

We walked down the boardwalk, fingers intertwined while my other hand touched my lips softly. I still can't believe I built up the courage to say that. I'm so glad that I did though. 

We passed one of the carnival games that had giant basketball hoops. The guy kept shouting "Make one basket to win" and I laughed slightly. I sucked at basketball. 

"Oooh basketball." Jack said dragging me over to it. 

"Oh no. I suck at basketball." I said and he laughed. 

"I don't." He said and I laughed. 

Of course he won and picked out a stuffed teddy bear that wasn't too big, but wasn't too small. The guy handed the bear to Jack and he handed it to me. 

"I don't want to hold your bear." I said and he laughed. 

"Well, lucky for you, it's not mine." He said and kissed my forehead. 

I loved when he did that. It made me feel all nice inside. 

We walked around for a little longer, still holding hands and messing around. Jack met some fans and took pictures with them, and surprisingly I did too. 

We got into the car and Jack slid into the driver's seat. He held my hand the whole ride. I turned on the radio and Counting Stars by OneRepublic came on and Jack sang loudly. Not like, messing around. Like legit sung. 

I took my phone out and opened my vine before taking a 6 second video of Jack singing. I smiled to myself before tagging the "Jack and Jack" account in the vine and posting it. When his phone made a noise with the notification, he quickly glanced at it and then looked at me for a brief second before looking at the road. 

"I'm going to murder you when we get back to the hotel." He said making a turn. 

"Funny." I said and he smiled. 

"I know." He said, making me roll my eyes. 

Once we got to the hotel and we walked passed a bunch of people and got to our floor, we arrived at my room and he turned to me. 

"We're doing this again. Soon. I'm not waiting another two years before I get to spend alone time with you again." He said and I smiled and nodded. 

"Understood." I said and he smiled at me. 

"You're short." He said and I smirked. 

"You're tall." I replied and he nodded. 

"Point taken." He said and I smiled. He stared at me for a while before pulling me closer into his chest. He lowered his head a bit so we were touching foreheads. "Can I kiss you?" He asked in a really low voice that made me shiver. 

I didn't trust my voice so I just nodded before he crashed his lips into mine. 

It wasn't a heated kiss, but it was a perfect kiss. It made my stomach twist and my heart race. 

The door opened, and Cameron stuck his arm in between us. "Alright Gilinsky, that's enough for tonight. You'll get to see her tomorrow." He said pushing Jack backwards towards their room. Jack kept eye contact with me while he smiled widely. 

I waved to him before turning to see everyone else inside of my hotel room. 

"So what-" Carter started but I cut him off.

"Go ask Jack. I'll explain to Autumn, and he explain to you." I said with a smile. "Get out." I said and pointed down the hall with a straight face. 

"Well damn." Matt said before he led the group out of our room and walking to their own. 

I walked into the room and dropped the bear onto the ed before turning to Autumn who had a wide smile. 

"SPILL!" She screamed, and that's exactly what I did. I told her every last detail. 

She picked up her phone before she pressed something and held her phone in between us. The phone rang three times before a voice answered. 

"Hello?" It was Jack. Well shit. 

"I SHIP IT SO HARD OH MY GOD GILINSKY IF YOU DON'T MAKE A MOVE SOON I WILL CUT YOUR BALLS OFF!" She yelled into the phone and I laughed loudly. 

"That sound very painful." He said and the guys laughed. 

"Is it your giiiiirlfriend?" Taylor cooed from the other end. 

"No it's her violent friend." He said and I laughed. 

"AUTUMN DON'T YOU SHIP IT AS MUCH AS I DO!?" Taylor yelled and Autumn smiled. If anyone fangirled with Autumn more than me it was Taylor. 

"YAS TAYTAY YAS!" She screamed and everyone laughed. 

"Okay I think that's enough excitement for one night." I said and Autumn booed me. 

"Goodnight guys!" Autumn and I yelled into the phone. 

"Night!" They yelled back and Autumn and I laid on our beds. 

I cuddled the bear that Jack won for me while my phone buzzed next to me.

A text. No surprise, from Jack. 

Goodnight beautiful<3

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