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I ran down the hall with Jack's shoe in my hand, laughing my ass off.

"Lacy!" Jack chased after me with one shoe on.

I ran down the stairs, thanking god we were only on the third floor. I turned to my right, Jack close behind, and ended up in the lobby with fans inside of it.

"Guys Lacy has my shoe! Help me get it back!" Jack yelled and his fans smirked at me.

I found Matthew in the lobby and yelled at him. "Matthew!" He turned to me and I smiled. "Think fast!" I yelled and threw Jack's shoe at him. He caught it and ran outside of the hotel.

Jack ran after Matt, and Matt threw the shoe back at me, but unfortunately, Jack caught up to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up. I screeched loudly and laughed before Jack grabbed his shoe and put me back on the ground.

He kissed the top of my head and I giggled. After Jack put his shoe on, the three of us walked to the room where meet and greets were set up. A bunch of people stood in various lines, and the boys stood at the end of them. Matt and Carter had a line. Nash, Hayes and Cameron had one. Shawn and Aaron. Autumn was standing Taylor's line that he had to himself, ad I went with Jack to his line that him and JJ shared. I sat in a chair behind a table off to the right, that the boys used when they needed to sign things quickly.

I was watching Jack interact with his fans, when he turned to me and smiled. He said something to the girl that was standing in front of him and she walked over to me.

"Can I take a picture with you?" She asked and I laughed and stood up.

"I look like shit is that okay?" I asked and she nodded and laughed with me.

I wore Jack's red shirt that fades into white and has a black pocket on it. It was big on me, seeing as it was big on him, and i'm tiny as hell. It came below my butt, and ended there. My skinny jeans hugged my legs nicely and I wore white vans. My hair was in a pony tail on the top of my head and I barely had any makeup on.

I woke up late. So this outfit was put together by Jack in two minutes.

I put my arm around the girl's shoulders and smiled for the first one, then we took one making weird faces, and another one doing a superman pose.

When she walked away, more people started coming up to me. A little girl, about three years old walked up to me and put her tiny hand on my thigh. I bent my knees and balanced on my feet, so I was her height and smiled at her. "Hi sweetie." I said and she smiled at me.

"Hi." She said quietly and I laughed.

"What's your name?" I asked and she smiled proudly.

"Bradley." She said and I smiled. She was so cute.

"Well Bradley, can I pick you up? It's hard to bend down like this." I said and she giggled and nodded, sticking her arms out at me.

I picked her up and rested her on my left hip. I turned to Jack and told him to take pictures with my phone, as well as the girl's mom's phone.

I kissed her cheek for one, and touched her nose with my pointer finger for another. In one of them we're just smiling at each other and they honestly came out to be the cutest pictures ever.

After the meet and greet portion was over, we walked over to the stage and I quickly changed my profile picture on twitter to the one of Bradley and I smiling at each other.

"Magcon!" Nash yelled and I quickly slipped my phone into my back pocket.

We talked for a while before I saw Bradley's mom holding her, and they were off to the side. Bradley saw me and waved at me. I laughed and took the mic from Cameron, who was in the middle of a sentence.

"HEY!" He yelled loud enough so it sounded like he still had a mic.

"Sorry I need it to introduce my friend Bradley to everyone." I said and asked Bradley's mom if I could borrow her. She said yes, so I placed Bradley on my left hip and walked back onto stage.

"This is Bradley." I said and people in the crowd made "awe" sounds.

"She's so cute!" Autumn cooed and Taylor's eyes widened.

"Hell no Autumn that's not happening anytime soon." He said and everyone laughed.

We did the rest of the show, with Bradley on stage. She was one of the cutest kids I had ever met. I started talking to her mom and figured out that she actually lived in the area. Since we were in California for one of the last Magcons for a while, she asked if I could babysit Bradley and obviously I said yes.

We rearranged numbers and Jack stole me from her.

"You're great with kids." He said and I nodded.

"She always has been." Cameron said and I laughed.

"It's a specialty of mine." I said and we laughed.

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