Part 6

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Yes, a double update but I got bored and I really wanted to write this chapter. This is a really important chapter so I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know if you have any concerns in the comments. Thanks!

Namjoon POV-

I was so stressed out from all that has happened I decided to go to the bar. I promised myself that I wouldn't drink more than 2 drinks. And lucky for me, I achieved that. I drank 2 and left. I was still upset about what happened so I went home and sat with Mr. Worldwide Handsome and we watched movies the rest of the night. I woke up the next morning and texted Jimin.

Namjoon- Hey Jimin. Is Y/N awake?

Jimin- Nope, but she is getting better.

Namjoon- Okay. I will stop by later if you guys want to come home and shower.

Jimin- Sure. Be here in an hour okay?

Namjoon- K.

I turned off my phone and showered. I drove over to the hospital and gave them my keys and they said they would be back in 2 hours. So I waited and looked at Y/N. She looked so peaceful. Eventually they cme back in fresh clothes and they smelt clean. I stayed for another half hour and they told me she should awake anytime and then can go home a few hours after.
(Yes, I realize that they can't actually go home right after they wake up, but I need it to go that way.)

"Thanks for letting me know" I said and they nodded and I left. An hour later I texted Kookie and asked him if she was awake and he said 'no.'
I was devastated and so I did what I knew I shouldn't have done. I went back to the bar. There was a really hot girl behind the bar and I was trying to resist the urge to ask for her number. I was dating someone. I had one drink, and another, and another, and eventually I was drunk. Stupid Mistake.

Bartender POV-

There was only one person left at the bar and that was a really hot dude who said his name was Namjoon. I was the one closing up tonight so I decided to let him stay. I had a few beers and before I knew it I was drunk too. I looked at him and he looked at me. He leaned over and kissed me on my lips, deeper and deeper. I was gasping for air.

Jimin POV-

Y/N had awoken about two hours ago and she was free to go home. We went home and she said she was feeling so much better. She couldnt find Namjoon so she grabbed her phone and called him. No response. She asked me where he was and I said the bar. So she made me take her there. Even though Jungkook was underage, he insisted to go too. So, we all piled into the car and drove to the bar. She went inside with Kookie close behind. I said I would stay in the car because I don't like the smell of bars. They smell like burnt hair. (I do not condone underage drinking!!!!)


We walked into the bar and you peeked around the corner. You saw Namjoon and a short blonde chick "smashing" as young ones called it. You immediately starting crying into Jungkooks chest. He picked you up bridal style and carried you into the car and explained to Jimin what happened while he drove us home. You stayed in Jungkook's room that night and he comforted you when you cried. Eventually, after what seemed like hours, you fell asleep.

Namjoon POV-

I ended up driving home without wrecking my car and went upstairs and went to sleep. When I woke up I remembered what happened. I just wouldn't tell Y/N I thought. I walked down the stairs and saw her staring at me.


Namjoon came down the stairs and when you saw him you were fighting back tears. "We are done. I can't believe I ever thought you would like me. You are just like everyone I have ever dated. A cheater. So have a good life, asshole." you said. He looked at you like he was in shock.
"I but, I was um." He tried to manage to apologize but he knew he fucked up. You just started crying and then Jungkook came out and saw you crying. We both still had clothes on from last night so he grabbed his keys and took you out of the house. You looked back one more time to see Namjoon coming towards us.
"He is coming. Hurry!" you said. You slammed the door and ran. You got in the car and Jungkook locked the doors and you backed out just as Namjoon got there. You were saved. You drove down the road and once you were far away from the house, Jungkook pulled in to a parking lot and turned off the car. He had 3 text messages from Namjoon. He gave me his phone and I read them aloud. "I was drunk! I didn't know what I was doing." The second one says, "Bring her back here so I can explain." The third one says, You know what? Fine. I never" you chocked on this part a bit and he put his arm around your shoulders. "I never liked her, I just didn't want you to date her because to be honest, she is too good for you." you finished. "I really like you Kookie" you said, "and I am not too good for you, you are too good for me." you said and started crying. He tilted your head towards his and looked you in the eyes.
"I am not too good for you. We are the perfect match." Then he bent down towards your face and kissed you. You felt sparks everywhere. It was amazing. He pulled away and looked at you for a response but I was speechless. All you could do was smile like a fool. "Will you go out with me?" He asked. "Yes!" you said. He smiled and started the car again. We started driving and you had no clue where we were going. You looked down and when you looked back up I saw a red SUV coming right at us, head-on.

A/N- Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger. And at the bartender part, sorry if you were disappointed, I dont write smut. Never have, never will. I will update again probably tomorrow, if not, Thursday morning. Like I always say, suggestions are always welcome.  And sorry for any possible grammar mistakes, I reread it and hopefully corrected them all. Bai!

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