Part 15

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I wake up and roll over onto my stomach only to realize better of it and flip back to my back. "Good Morning Oppa" I say smiling.
"I don't want to move" he says wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close.

~1 month later~
The past month has been pretty normal. Today was my doctor checkup for the baby. We got dressed and I wore some plain skinny jeans and one of Jungkook's oversized shirts. "Wear sweatpants. It will be more comfortable jagiya~"
"No oppa. I want to believe I am not super fat." I say pouting and walking out of the room.
"You aren't fat." He tells me giving me a kiss before grabbing his keys and helping me out to the car. He got in after me and we started driving. We arrived there right on time and we checked in. After about 5 minutes the doctor came out and took us back.
"How much weight have you gained?" She asked me.
"35 pounds" I mumble but loud enough she could hear it. She wrote it down on her clipboard and told us to follow her. Kookie gave me a reassuring smile and held my hand. She led us to a dimmed room and laid me on a bed like table. She lifted up my shirt and applied a cold gel to my stomach and gently pressed down while rubbing it around with the plastic stick thingy that was supposed to take pictures of the baby and stuff.
(I have been to one before. It is kinda cool. The gel is really cold though.) "Well, You are having twins and they are both boys." My mouth opened wide and I smacked Jungkook on the head
"What was that for?" He asked me rubbing his head.
"You caused this! What am I going to do? I can't handle 2 Jungkookie 2.0's" I say stressing out a little.
"Calm down, it isn't good for the babies." The doctor said. I nodded my head and she cleaned off my stomach before letting me go.
"Can we have the wedding next week?" I asked all of a sudden.
His mouth dropped and he looked so suprised.
"I mean, I guess so. But me and the guys will do all the planning." He said.
"Fine. But I get to pick my dress and the bridesmaids dresses." I proposed, and he accepted. So we went home and I immediately started planning. After a few calls I had placed the order for the dresses. I called my sister, and my 3 best friends and they all agreed to be in the wedding.
~3 days later~
You went to the store with your sister driving and you all tried on the dresses. They loved the pastel pink dress (Imagine it looking however you like). Your dress was a beautiful white gown that had diamonds and lace with a sweetheart neckline. So we picked up all the dresses and left.
~4 days later~
It was the day of the wedding and you were so excited. You changed into your dress and all the bridesmaids walked out.
"You ready darling?" Your father asks you.
"Mhm" Was all you could manage to say. We linked arms and the music started. Everyone stood as we started walking out. You tried so hard to fight back my tears and they threatened to fall at anytime. You made it up there and he whispered into your ear,"You look amazing Y/N". He stepped back and smiled. We said our I do's and had a passionate kiss. He picked you up in his arms and he ran off down the aisle. Everyone smiled at you and you guys got into the limo to drive towards the photography appointment becore the reception.
"Well, since we are married, we should do that thing, but since you are pregnant, we will have to wait until afterwards." He said smirking. We arrived and took some beautiful pictures before going back to the reception. We saw tons of fans there. You had recently helped on one of their songs so I was getting even more famous. As we walked in, you couldn't help but wonder how you got so lucky. And how this was even possible.

Sorry for the shortness of this part. Comment if you want the next part to have the reception and what happened. Bai!!

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