Chapter 2: Jealously

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WHEN I ARRIVED home, I set down my bike and walked inside. My mom was asleep on the couch. She was really tired today. And my brother probably snuck out again to go see his girlfriend Ashley. He would always see her when mom was alseep. I went straight upstairs in my room and closed the door behind me. I put one some pajamas. Well, they aren't really pajamas. I was just wearing a gray shirt with some footsies on. I didn't put on any underwear. 

I sat down on my desk and took out my sketchbook. I decided I wanted to sketch an old friend. He was a friend I haven't see in a good while.

Richie Tozier.

 He looked a lot like Mike. Same brown freckles around the nose. Same dark brown eyes. And the same dark brown hair. Although Richie had big glasses and his hair was curler. And he cursed way much more then MIke. He was more inapropiate too. 

Richie lives in Derry, Maine. Which is where I used to live. Which is where I met the beloved losers club. It had Bill, Eddie, Stan, Richie, Ben, Mike, and Beverly. I loved those guys! Sadly, my mom had to move away and live in Hawkins. But it's not all bad. It's got some great people. After I finished sketching Richie, I felt a little tired. So I crawled into bed and went to sleep.


I was woken up by my annoying alarm clock. I looked at the time and saw that it was 6:00 am. Tiredly, I shut it off and sluggishly got out of bed. I did the usual things. Take a shower, brush my teeth, wash my face, and get dressed. And by now I was eating cereal. I was wathing Full House. It was a really good show. It's been on for almost three years now! I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 6:54. So I quickly ate my cereal and rode my bike to school.

As I was riding my bike, I heard two bikes coming from behind me, Dustin and Lucas.

"Hello my nerds!" I said greeting them. "Hey (y/n)!" they both said. Another two bikes and a person on a skateboard pulled up. Max, Mike, and Will. Eleven, or Jane, was on the back of Mikes bike. "Hey guys!" I said. Everyone greeted each other and talked about their night until we arrived the school. 

We put our bikes in the bike racks and walked into the school. I went to my locker, but this time I saw a boy underneath my locker. He was getting his things. I couldn't relally make out his face, but I happened to see that he had black curly hair and that he looked about the average height. Still, I needed to get my things, so I opened my locker quickly. The boys face went up right when I opened my locker, so it hit him in the face. 

I gasped dramaticly and leaned down to the boy. "Shit, i'm sorry! Are you okay?" I asked. I've never had a person underneath my locker so I wasn't aware. The boy groaned and rubbed his face. But when he took his hand off, I got to see his face. The boy was Richie Tozier!

"Richie! Is that you!" I asked which sounded more like yell. Richie adjusted his glasses and took a good look at me. Then he smiled a huge smile and sighed happily. "(Y/n)!" He yelled. Richie pulled me into a big hug. I giggled through it and kissed him on the cheek, in a friend way so he wouldn't get any ideas. When I pulled away I had so many questions. 

"Are you moving here? Where are the losers? How the shit are you here right now? Do you-

"Woah woah woah, one question at a time (Y/N)," Richie chuckled. "My mom got a new job so I had to move here. The losers are still in Derry, but I plan on visiting them and vice versa." he explains. 

Mike Wheeler x Reader x Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now