Chapter 11: Pocket Knife

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I have everything ready, including my gear. I was wearing a camouflage Bandana (like Lucas) and a backpack over my shoulder. It had all of our weapons in their. I told everyone to bring their walkie talkies, so we could keep in touch.

"Mike, Eleven, and I are heading to my old house, over." I said, hoping anyone what hear me.

"Good. Dustin, Max, and I are heading there too, over and out." Lucas says,

I put my walkie talkie in my backpack and walk upstairs. Mike and Eleven were already standing there, waiting for me. Eleven had a new look, it was a emo look; and I liked it. "Wow, I like your look Eleven." I said, walking towards her. She smiled at me and rose an eyebrow. "Bitchin."

"So are you guys ready to go?" I asked, Eleven nodded and Mike just looked at me with no emotion.

"Yeah, I'm ready." He says, we all walk out the door.

I go onto my bike, and Eleven goes on the back of Mike's. We ride over to my old house. When we arrived there, everyone was there too. I got off my bike and took off my backpack. There was a bat, a lighter, a syringe, and a taser. Lucas took out his wrist rocket.

I looked up at everyone , looking at them put on their gear, getting their weapons ready. That's when I knew, that we were gonna win ,we were gonna beat Phil.

"Are, are you guys ready?" I asked. Mike, Lucas, and Eleven Looked at me; they all nodded. I sighed to myself and put my hair in a ponytail. "Okay, then let's go." I said, I look at Dustin, Max, and Will, they look at me and sit down in front of the house. I open the door, and I didn't see anyone.

"Mike, you look down here." I say, Mike nods and looks around the kitchen and the living room. I heard a muffled sound coming from upstairs. "Guys, I think I hear..."

I felt a hand grab my mouth, it pulled me into a room. "What's going..."

A figure hit me across my head, then it all went black.


"It's about time you got here, what took you so long?!" A voice yelled. I look over and see Richie, strapped in a seat. With his hands behind the chair. "To bad you got strapped up too." Richie stated, I look down and see myself in a chair, my feet were strapped up, and my hands were behind my back.

If only I had a pocket knife. Then I look around and see one, a pocket knife.

I started moving around in the chair, trying to make myself get closer to it.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Richie asks, I ignore him and move closer to pocket knife. When I finally got closer to it, I reached my head over and put it in my mouth, then I leaned down and cut the rope that was across my body. After I cut that rope, I stood up and tried to break my hands free.

"Honestly (y/n), you are the most badass person I've ever met." Richie states, I smirk to myself and start to rub my hands together. Maybe I would be able to loosen up the rope.

And I did, I loosened it up enough to get Richie free. "Thank ya sweet cheeks." He said, I rolled my eyes. "Come on, let's get out" I said, I looked forward and saw Phil standing in front of Richie and I.


Then Phil looked over and smiled. "I think I hear my next victim." He said, he grabbed a bat from the floor and walked out, closing the behind him.

Mike's POV

(Y/n)'s been gone for a while, and I don't even think anyone has noticed; How rude. So I decided to go upstairs and check up on her. "(Y/n), are you up here?" I asked, no response.


I fell to the ground, a sharp pain was on my head. I looked up one time and saw a dark figure, looking down at me. He had a bat in his hand, then he hit me again. Which made me go out cold.

When I woke up, I was in a room, with Richie and (y/n). They were strapped to chairs, and I'm guessing I was too. "Help!" I yelled, (y/n) gasped and looked over to a certain spot in the room.

"Dammit!" She yelled, I guessing she was looking for something. "Where's the fucking pocket knife?!" She yelled again, I look around the room. Then Richie opened his eyes and looked forward.

"So now all of you are awake, perfect." Phil said, I looked over and saw Phil getting up and standing in front of us.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you." (Y/n) yelled, I looked over and saw the door was cracked a little bit, maybe Lucas and Eleven would be able to hear us. "Lucas, Eleven, we're up here!" I yelled, Phil glared at me and punched me in my nose. Everything went black...again.

Richie's POV


(Y/n)'s POV

"Shit." I mumbled, I glared at Phil with anger in my eyes. "You really are a short sick twisted person." I say, Phil chuckles and then looks at Richie.

"You're right (y/n)l I am a sick twisted person, a sick twisted person whose gonna kill your..."

"Stay the hell away from our friends!" Dustin yelled, I looked over and saw the whole party standing there at the door. Eleven used her powers and made Phil go to the wall, he fell down. Blood was on his head. Lucas took the ropes off of Richie, Mike, and I. "What happened to Mike?" Will asked, I sighed. "Phil punched him." I say, Phil starts to stand up. I tell Eleven to go to everyone else's, and that I got this.

Phil chuckled at me, blood in his mouth. "Leave, my friends, the fuck, alone." I yell, he flips me off. I got a bat from the floor and hit him in the face.

"I SAID LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!" I yell, I never yelled that loud before. He looked at me, and slowly nodded his head. "Because if you do, I will kill you." I yell, I grab the bat and dump gasoline on the floor. "Let's go guys." I say in a normal tone. I grab my things and we all walk downstairs.

After we got all our things outside, I ran over to Richie and finally hugged him. I cried into his chest. "I haven't seen you in so long." I said, hiccups between my words. Richie smiles and pulls away from the hug. "I was only gone for like two..."

I kissed him, and then pulled away with a smile on my face. "...days." Richie finished, I smiled again and looked back at everyone else.

"Not to ruin your moment but we gotta get home." Lucas states, I nod and get on my bike. Eleven gets on Will's bike. Max gets on Lucas's and sadly Richie gets on Dustin's bike.


"Are you sure you'll be okay own your own?" I ask Richie, tugging on his wrist. Richie sighs at looks back at me. "I'm only gonna be gone for like one second. I just need to go to my house, bye." Richie says, opening the front door.

I was too scared to let him leave, so I ran and jumped onto him. "Please stay Richie, pleaseee." I pleaded, Richie sighed. "Fine, but only because you're giving me a huge boner right now."

I groaned and got off of Richie and walked to the basement. "Way to ruin the moment Trashmouth."

I walk downstairs and see Mike writing something on a notebook. "Whatcha working on Mike?" I ask, walking down the stairs. Mike turns his face to me and hides his notebook.

"Nothing, Nothing Nothing Nothing. Just drawing, yep I was drawing. What about you?" Mike asks, I just giggle to myself and take his arm. "Can we cuddle, please?" I ask, Mike smiles and nods. We lay down on a mattress and cuddle. "Don't forget me sweet cheeks!" Richie yells, running downstairs and jumping on the mattress.

"Oh Richie, I could never forget you."

Mike Wheeler x Reader x Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now