Chapter 6:

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IT WAS ABOUT 3pm, thirty minutes until school ended and everyone was asking out people for the snowball. People were even making banner and posters so they could ask people. It was super cheesy.

I grabbed my backpack, closed my locker, and walked outside. When I got to the bike rack area I took out my bike and sat on it. Though right when I was going to ride my bike home I hear a voice yell my name. I looked over and saw Richie. 

"What up sweet cheeks!" he yelled. I playfully rolled my eyes at him and shook my head. When I turned around I saw the rest of The Party standing by me. Even Eleven came from home to see me. That made me happy.

"We decided that we should all ride home together, so no one gets jumped or something." Will said. I smiled at all of them as they got on their bikes. "Well, I planned on having Max and Eleven spend the night at my house." I say looking over at Max and Eleven for approval. They both nodded their heads at me and I looked back at the rest of them. 

"Okay, well Lucas, Mike, Richie and I will go home on our own then. See you guys-I mean girls later." Will stuttered. 


When Eleven, Max, and I got to the house I saw Phil. 

Phil was the guy that my mom was going out with. He looked like a nice guy, but there was something about him that seemed...strange. "Hey Phil." I said. Phil did finger guns at me. "I'm gonna have my friends upstairs with me, is that cool?" I asked.

Phil nodded his head and took a sip from his soda. "That's cool, but your mom said no one could spend the night today. She didn't say why though." he said. I formed a line with my mouth and nodded my head. "Come on guys, lets go upstairs." I say. The girls nod and we all jog upstairs and head up to my room.

When we got in I sat down in my chair and got out my notebook full of drawings. I felt like drawing today so I grabbed my penicl and lightly stroked my pencil on the paper. 

Eleven sat down on the bed and looked at Max. "Guys, I have a question." she said. I hummed in response and continued to sketch. 

"What's incest?" 

Max snorted. "Incest is where siblings have feelings for each other. Like how you and Mike have feelings for each other."

"Does that mean Will and I can't date." 

I turned around and face Eleven. My eyebrows raised a little bit. "Eleven, it's not incest between you guys unless his mom and Hopper get together. I say Hopper because he is kinda a father figure towards you. Until then go ahead." I explain.

Eleven smiles widly. Max smirks at her and sits up. "Wait, you like Will?" she asked. Eleven blushed and nodded her head. 

We both giggled and looked at her. "Oh my god I love you guys together!" I said. 

"Maybe, we should make a word for it. Like...uh...oh I got one; ship. I ship you and Will." Max says. I nod my head in aggrement. "What should your guys ship name be?"


"No, her real name is Jane so maybe it should be Jill!"

"What about Jileven?" I ask. Jane and Max both look at me. "Yes, that's perfect she says!" I shrug my shoulders and finish up my sketching. I was sketching a flower. Kinda like me, except I don't die if you don't give me sunlight. I need some attention, and i'm really fragile. 


All of had boy talk until Jane and Max had to leave. Which was 6:30. It was now 8:30 and I was kinda bored. 

I wasn't really in the mood to draw anymore, and I didn't feel like listening to music. Then I got an idea, I could talk to Mike on the walkie talkie. 

So I picked it up and speaked through it. "Hey guys, does anyone know if Mike is active? Over."

There was some silence until Mike piped up. "Yeah, i'm here what's up. Over."

I flipped over where I was laying on my back and looked up at my celiling. "Nothing, just bored. How are you, over."

"I'm sitting with Richie. He's asleep though. Over." he said. 

"Oh, that's-

I got interupted by Phil opening my door. He didn't say anything, and he looked half sleep. I had a feeling that he was sleep walking so I tried talking to him. "Hey Phil, are you awake?"

Phil blinked and rubbed his eyes. He looked up at me and grinned an evil grin.

Mike's P.O.V.

"I'm sitting with Richie. He's alseep though. Over." I say to (Y/N).

"I'm awake now, bitch." Richie mutters. I roll my eyes at him and wait for (Y/N) to respond.

"Oh, that's-

Then she got cut off. I think someone opened a door. "Hey Phil, are you awake?" I heard (Y/N) say. I narrow my eyebrows and hold the walkie talkie tighter. "Phil, who's Phil?" I ask. She must have not heard me because she didn't respond.

"Wait, Phil...wait are you doing.."

And before I could even respond there was a scream and what I think was a slap. Richie came over and snatched the walkie talkie out of my hand. 

"(Y/N), a-are you okay!" he yelled. 

".......get...get the fuck off of me! Wait,! Don't-oww! No, stop, please stop!" I heard (Y/N) yell. I could hear her crying and yelling through the walkie talkie. 

"Shut up or i'll hurt you!" I heard a male voice yell. (Y/N) started crying softer. 

"Please...stop..." she cried. Richie took off his glasses, he was crying too. Then he yelled and punched the wall. "Fuck, son of a bitch! That fucking bastard!" he yelled. He continued to punch the wall. 

I set down the walkie talkie and walked over to him. "Richie, stop!"

His punches got weaker and weaker until he just set his hands on the wall. Richie slid down off the wall and cried hard. I sat on my knees and hugged him. 

"It's okay, Richie. We will get our revenge. I promise you."

Mike Wheeler x Reader x Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now