Chapter 4: Tension

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THE NEXT DAY I invited Max over and told her everything that happened. I was going to invite Eleven too but she would probably kill me. Literally

"Okay, so you mean to tell me that Mike was ignoring you, told you that he likes Eleven, you yelled at him and then left. And then at the arcade Richie kissed you, he left. Mike came over, told you that he loved you and kissed you. And Richie came over and saw you kissing. So now you think that he doesn't like anymore?" Max asked.

"...yeah pretty much," I mumbled. "I mean, god, I don't know what to do Max. They're both my best friends, and I don't want to lose them." I say.

"Well Richie can't be mad at you. He can't control who you love."

"I don't love Mike like that!" I spat out.

"Then why didn't you pull away?" she asked. I went silent. "That's what I thought. Listen, there's only one thing you can do. You have to choose." she said. I scoffed at her.

"How am I supposed to do-

"(Y/N), MIke and Richie are here to see you." my mom yelled from downstairs. Max and I both looked at each other with worried expressions on our faces. Though we both got up and walked downstairs to the boys.

"I'm going on another date with Phil. I'll be back soon. Have fun guys." my mom said. I gulped and watched my mom walk out the door.

"I have a confession to make!" Richie yelled. Oh boy, hopefully he won't bring up-

"I saw (Y/N) kissing MIke. I fucking saw them!" Richie yelled. He had an sad expression on his face but he covered it up with anger. 

Then Richie turned and glared at Mike with cold eyes. "What the hell dude, are you trying to steal my girl?" he yelled.

"Your girl, she's mine! We kissed!" Mike yelled back.

"Yeah, well i've known her longer than you! She's been in Derry more than she's been here!" 

Then Richie shoved Mike, and Mike shoved him back. And suddenly they both started swinging at each other until they were both on the floor. Punching and kicking at each other. 

Max and I had to pull them off of each other. Once they got away from each other I smacked both of them in the face. "What the hell is wrong with you both! Can't you guys just fucking get along?" I yelled. Their faces both softened.

"(Y/N), we-

"No, I am tired with both of your guys bullshit. When Lucas and Dustin both liked Max were they fucking fighting and acting like this? No! And Lucas is with Max and Dustin is completely fine with this. They're still friends, aren't they?" 

"Yeah, but-

"I don't want to hear any fucking buts out of you! I am just tired of this. Even Dustin has a crush on me and he doesn't act like this."

"Dustin has a crush on you?"

"I'll tear that little bitch to shreads!" 

"Jesus, fuck guys. I should have never told you," I yelled. Then I inhaled deeply. "And  if I knew this was going to happen I would have never became friends with the two of you." I mumbled.

That shut them up quick.

"Come on, Max. Let's go hang out with the others." I say grabbing my stuff. Both of them had tears in their eyes. Though thanks to them I don't care. 

Max and I walked out of the house. I got on my bike and she got on her skateboard. "Don't you think that was a little harse."

I glared out in front of me. "No."

Word Count: 600 (I know, short.)

Mike Wheeler x Reader x Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now