Chapter 7: Phil

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Your P.O.V.

I CURLED MYSELF up into a ball and held myself. Crying softly with warm tears that I licked. 

Sharp pains were stinging all over my body. It was hurting bad. I didn't feel the same after that. I felt...different. A bad different. Why would Phil do this? And where was my mom? I guess she never came home that night. 

Phil sweared that if I told anyone that he would hurt my mom and hurt me too. I didn't want my mom to suffer just because of me so I kept my mouth shut. Why does everything have to be my fault. If I stayed the night with one of my friends this woud have never happened. 

It's all my fucking fault!

I realized that it was five in the morning, and that everyone was asleep. So I got out of the bed and went downstairs into the kitchen. I saw one of the small knives. I grabbed one of them and stared at my arm. 

And I started to cut myself. 

It hurt, but that's how I wanted to feel. I know that others that hated me wanted me to feel pain. Well their wish is granted. 

I kept cutting until my hands got tired.

Then I heard the doorbell ring.

I had a feeling it was the party so I looked around for a long sleeve shirt and put it on so they wouldn't see the cuts. 

I ran back to the door and opened it. Only to see Mike and Richie standing there. 

"We know what happened, (Y/N). We are terribly sorry." Mike said. My eyes got watery so I ran into Mike's arms and hugged him as tears poured out of my eyes. Richie got into the hug too and kissed my forehead.

"Don't worry. You better beleive we're going to make that mother fucker suffer."


It was later in the day and Mike and Richie were still here. 

I thought it was sweet that they were here with me. Richie tried to act happy around me, but I could tell he was angry because of Phil. And Mike, well, he's changed. He's been in an emo faze and what happened to me didn't help. He would start yelling at everyone (besides Richie and I) and would cry randomly. 

I was laying down on my bed. On one side of me, Richie was laying down next to me with his arms around my waist. And on the other side of me, Mike was laying next to me sleeping. Though I think he was having a nightmare. Poor thing.

I kissed Richie's forehead to get his attention. Richie looking over at me and wiggled his eyebrows at me. 

"Hey, mama. Having a comfy seat?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Uh, sure. Why?"

"That's because you're sitting on Richie Jr." he said. I narrowed my eyebrows at him and looked down at him. I did a short small scream and stood up. "Richie, why do you have a boner? After everything that happened you're going to have a boner now!" I yelled.

Richie's face went white. "N-No, I was just trying to get you in a better mood after what happened!" he yelled back. "Oh, so you're trying to get me turned on? Why would I be? Oh I get it, you're just trying to get in my pants!"

"No, it's not like that!"

Then Mike woke up and rubbed his eyes. "What's going on?" he asked. I rolled my eyes and glared at Richie. "Nothing, it's just now I know why Richie liked me. He just liked my body." I say, and then start yelling towards the end. 

"It's not like that!"

"Then why did you say that. I get that you're a funny guy, and you try to cheer me up. But god dammit Richie did you really think now was the time to do a dirty joke!"

"Well excuse me I can't control my boners."

"You're not going to have any boners if you keep talking. Cause maybe...i'll chop you're-


Richie and I turned over and looked at Mike. He was furious with us both. "I am tired of your guys fighting! Don't you think i've heard enough fighting! And Richie, come on dude. I get that you can't control your boners but you didn't have to MAKE A FUCKING JOKE OUT OF IT!" Mike yelled at the end. 

Then he turned and looked at me. "(Y/N), I am sorry on what happened to you. But yelling at someone right now, who keep in mind, didn't even rape you, is the last thing you should be doing right now." Mike said calmy. My eyes were watery after he said this.

"I-I need to take a shower!" I yelled. I ran out of the room and slammed the door shut. Mike sat on the ground and groaned in a angry tone. Richie sat next to Mike and huffed.

"I'm sorry..."

Mike Wheeler x Reader x Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now