Chapter 3: Kisses

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IT WAS FINALLY the weekend. I woke up at about 10:30ish in the morning. I streached my arms and got out of bed and di the usual things. Brush my teeth, wahs my face, take about a ten minute shower, and put on a casual outfit. 

When I walked downstairs I went outside and rode around on my bike. The wind blew in my (H/L) (H/C) hair. When I was riding down the street I saw Richie outside sitting down on the curb. I rode my bike slowly and sqeezed my breaks slowly as I got closer towards him. 

Richie looked up and saw me riding towards him. He stood up and cleared his throat. "Hey (Y/N), nice seeing you here." he said. I stopped my bike and smiled at him. "Hey, Rich. Wanna hang out?" I asked. 

"O-Of course," he stuttered. "I mean, sure, whatever." correcting himself. I smirked at him and waited for Richie to get his bike. When he did we started to ride down the street and get the other party members. 

I talked about Richie joining our party. Everyone thought that it was fine. Mike was a little skeptical at first but he allowed it after talking about it for a while.

We we got everyone together we stopped by the arcade and played some games. Richie played Street Fighter, Max played Dig Dug, and Dustin played Dragon's Lair.

All of the boys were crowded towards the Dragon's Lair game. All yelling at Dustin as he plays the game. "Everybody shut up!" Dustin yelled, but it was too late. He died. 

Dustin groaned loudly and hit the machine. "Son of a bitch! I hate this overprince bullshit!" Dustin yelled. Will grabbed his left arm with his right arm. "Maybe next time?" Will says. Dustin rolls his eyes and Lucas snickers. "You lost, which means I still have a chance!" Lucas says. I walk over to Max and see her intensely playing the game. 

"Damn, Max. You're really good at this game." I say. Max half smiles but her face turns mutual in a quick second and continues to play. Eventually she died but her highscore wen up by 2000 points! I walked over to Richie and he was just chilling by Street Fighter. Not playing it, just chilling by it. He probably was watching other people play.

Then I saw him look up at the clock and groaned. "(Y/N), I gotta go. I'll see you later though." he said. Then out of nowhere he kissed me on the cheek. Holy. Shit.

I held my cheek and giggled to myself. The Party walked over to me. "What was that all about?" Max asked. I blushed hard and sat down at a table. 

"Yeah, are you guys a thing now?" Will asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "No, we're just really good friends. Sometimes we do that." I explain. 

"Well do you usually blush when that happens?" Dustin asked. I blushed harder and shake my head. "Oooh, (Y/N)'s gotta crush!" Dustin yelled. I shushed him but he kept going. 

I saw Richie go back into the arcade and I gulped. "(Y/N)'S GOTTA CRUSH! (Y/N)'S GOTTA CRUSH ON-mmFmmph!" 

I covered Dustins mouth until Richie walked into the store. He had his glasses cleaner in his pocket. I took my hand off of Dustin's and sighed heavily. "That was a close one. Dustin, be quieter next time." I mumble. Dustin eyebrows went up high. "There's going to be a next time?" he asked. My eyes widened. 

"N-No! That's not what I-

"Did you hear that guys? There's going to be a next time!"


It was about 6:30 in the afternoon. I was laying down on my bed listening to Uptown Girl by Billy Joel. While I was listening to that I started thinking about that kiss. Dustin was right, it did make me feel something. Maybe I have feelings for Richie, or maybe I had feelings for him all along.

Then there was a tap on my window. Curious, I walked over to it and opened it. Mike was standing right there. I gasped as he walked in. "Mike, what are you doing here! What do you need?" I whisper yelled. 

"I need you, (Y/N)." Mike said. My eyes got a little watery. "What.."

Then suddenly Mike smashed his lips on mine.

I didn't pull away, my eyes were open but I slowly closed them and melted into the kiss. "This is wrong, this is so freaking wrong," I thought. Yet I still didn't pull away. Just after I pulled away Mikes face went from happy to worried. Worried that I didn't like the kiss.

"Mike, I don't know what to say right now...I think I need some time to myself." I say. Mike nods and slowly walks out of my room. After he left I flopped down on my bed. 

What the hell just happened?

Richie's P.O.V.

I went home to do some chores. Mom told me that I could hang out with (Y/N) but at some point I had to do my chores. That's why I left the arcade. 

After I finished I grabbed a promise ring from my dresser. I was going to give this to her and promise that we would be together forever. And after I would give it to her then I would ask her to be my girlfriend. Hopefully she would say yes. 

"Mom, i'm going back to (Y/N)'s for a second!" I yelled from upstairs. 

I then walked outside and got on my bike and put the promise ring into a box. And I put that in my pocket and started to ride over to her house. 

When I arrived there I rang the doorbell and patiently waited for her to open the door. God, I couldn't wait to give it to her. When the door opened I saw her mom. "Oh, hey Richie. Do you need to see (Y/N)?" she asked. 

I nodded my head at her. "Yes please, is she home?" 

"Yeah, she's right upstairs in her room listening to some music." her mom said. I smiled at her and walked upstiars to (Y/N)'s room. I was so excited and nervous that I had gooesbumps all over my arms and my legs. 

I took out the box in my pocket and pushed open the door a little.

Though what I saw is something I wish I could unsee.

Mike and (Y/N) were kissing each other.

I dropped the box out of my hand. I was completely stunned. I couldn't beleive that the love of my life was kissing my...ugh! I was furious. I wanted to kick open that door and start punching Mike in the face. I wanted (Y/N) to be my girlfriend, not his.

Instead, I grabbed the ring from the floor and walked downstairs. "Oh, you're leaving so soon?" (Y/N)'s mom asked. I nodded mu head. "Yeah, (Y/N)'s busy. Tell her that I said that I came by." I said. She nodded and I walked out the door and biked my way home. Tears started to fume into my eyes but I wiped them and peteld faster.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

After the whole incident with Mike and I, I was actually feeling quite hungry. So I walked downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed a plum from the kitchen.

"Hey, mom." I said biting into a plum. She turned and looked at me as I made my way up the stairs. "Hey hun," she said. Then she pause and looked at me. "Oh by the way, Richie came over here. He said you were busy and that he left."

Busy, what does he mean by-wait-did he see Mike and I kissing? I ran upstairs in my room and closed the door shut. 

Covering my mouth, I slide down my door and cried so hard that no sound came out. Not only did I kiss Mike Wheeler, but I lost a best friend too.

Richie Tozier.

Word Count: 1307 

Mike Wheeler x Reader x Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now