Chapter 12: Bill

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I wake up in the basement, and see a piece of paper on the floor. I lift myself off of the bed and walk over and pick up the piece of paper. It read:

Roses are red, violets are blue,

When I tickle my pickle, I'll think of you.

I chuckled to myself and rolled my eyes, only one person would write something like that; Richie.

I grabbed the paper and walked carefully upstairs, making sure it to wake Mike up. I open the basement door and walk into the kitchen, to see Richie sitting down in a chair. Eating cereal.

"Hello mamacita, I see you got my note." Richie says, I roll my eyes and sit across from him.

"Yeah I read it, you're such a romantic." I say in a sarcastic tone, he smirks at smiles at me.

"Look at the back." He says, I raise an eyebrow and flip the paper over and read the back of it.

Roses are red, violets are blue,

No words can describe, how much I absolutely love you.

Your beautiful (e/c), your pearly white smile,

I'll do anything for you, even run a mile.

So I'm conclusion, I only have one last thing to say to you.

When we get older, will you let me marry you?

I look up at Richie and see him blushing. "Well, what's your answer?" Richie asks, I smile a giggle in happiness. "Richie, this is the most sweetest thing I've ever read, of course I'd marry you...when we're older!" I say, I jump into Richie's arms and hug him tightly.

"I was hoping you were gonna say that, sweet cheeks." He says pulling away, I roll my eyes.

"Don't ruin the moment Tozier." I say, pulling him into a kiss. I hear footsteps coming into the room, I pull away from the kiss and see Mike yawning and making a bowl of cereal. "Oh, good morning (y/n)." Mike says, rubbing his tired eyes. I smile as he pulls a chair next to me and lays he head on my shoulder.

"I guess someone's really tired today." Richie says, he leans over and flicks Mike's forehead. "Wake up dipshit!"

"I'm awake, I'm awake." Mike says, lifting his little head up. I starch his hair and kiss his head.

Then all of a sudden, Richie's eyes went wide. He slammed his hands in the table.

"Dude, we should visit the losers! And you should join us too Mike!"

Mike smiles, and stands up. "That sounds cool, can the party come too?" Mike asks, Richie nods rapidly and hugs me both.

"This is awesome, we're finally gonna see the losers again." Richie says, clearly excited. I smiled and looked at them both. "We should probably get the other's, and tell them about this." I say, they boys nod and we get on our bikes and get the other's.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Time Skip After Explaining

"And that's basically what we wanted to do..." Richie Explained, all of the party was staring at him with excitement.

"This sounds cool!" Lucas said.

"Yeah, I want to meet this Bill guy." Will says, I smile. "Well, before we can meet any of them ,we need to tell our parents and get them to drive us." I say, Richie wiggles his eyebrows.

"Or,we could tell our parents, and get a taxi and drive there." Richie says, everyone nods and agrees with him. "Then it's settled, we're actually doing this." I say.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ The Next Day

"Bye mom, I love you!" Mike yelled, getting in the back of the taxi. "Bye honey, make sure not to do drugs!" Karen yells. "Hope you have a good time!" Nancy yells back, Mike waves and gets in the car.

"Bye everyone!" We all yell, the Wheeler family waves as we pull off.

"Hey Dustin, I got some Three Musketeers bars if you want..." before I could finish, Dustin yanked two of them out of my hand and started eating them. "I guess you're hungry." I say.

"This is so exciting." Eleven says, I nod my head. Max looks over at me and smiles. "I hope I get to meet Beverly, she sounds badass." Max says, the rest of the party was basically talking about the losers club.

"Oh, you'll get to meet Mike, our Mike; from Derry. He's a pretty cool dude." Richie says, they raise their eyebrow in confusion.

"What does he look like?" Lucas and Dustin ask in sync, then they send each other a glare. I take a picture of him out of my pocket. "That's Mike, Mike Hanlon. I guess you guys can just call him M.H." I say, they nod their heads.

Eventually, everyone went to sleep; including me. I say between Mike and Richie, I had my body laying down on Richie's lap, and my head laying on Mike's lap. He was gently stomping my hai as I slept.


"Wake up guys, we're here." Richie yells, I yawn and stretch open my eyes. All of us get out of the taxi and stand in the middle of Derry. "So what first?" Mike asks, Richie smiles and wiggles his eyebrows together. "I want you guys to meet Bill."

A/N: Okay so I'm going to end this story, sorrrry. But however coma I am making a sequel to this called "When the Party met the Losers." So Yeah, I guess this is the end...for now

Mike Wheeler x Reader x Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now