Chapter 10: The Plan

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"[Y/N], come on...wake up..." a soft voice said. "[Y/N]..." the voice said again. "[Y/N]!" The same voice yelled. I gasped loudly and opened up my eyes. When I opened them, I saw Mikes glorious face as it sparkles in the sunlight. His face had worry at first, but quickly went to happiness, he smiled at me.

"Hey, are you okay? You were rising and turning in your sleep." Mike said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I stood up from my bed and yawned with a strech. "Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be." I say happily. Putting a smile on my face.Mike sighs as I open the door and walk downstairs. When I walk down I see Mrs. Wheeler and Nancy, standing downstairs. Mrs. Wheeler had something behind her hands. "What's going on, I'm confused."

Suddenly, I hear fast footsteps come from behind me, I see Mike dart past me and stand next to Nancy. I slowly walk towards them, Mrs. Wheeler hands be an envelope. "For you." She says, I smile thankfully and take the envelope.

I slowly rip it open and read what it says, I start to smile. Then cry tears of joy, it was adoption papers. Everyone gathered around and hugged me, I finally felt loved; but I didn't feel right without Richie.

After a while Mike and I went to the basement. Eleven was finally there, I smiled to myself and hugged her. "I heard the news." Eleven said, I smiled again and nodded. She put two thumbs up and I laughed. Mike heard words coming fro mute walkie talkie. "Who is this, over."

"It's Lucas, some middle aged man has Richie captivated, over."

My eyes went wide, then tears filled them. I ran over to Mike and told the walkie talkie out of his hand.

"Wh-Where is He?"

"You didn't say..."

"Where the hell is he Lucas!?" I yelled.

"...I don't know (y/n), I just want to get the party, and when I went to Richie house, no one was there. The door was unlocked so I opened it and went in, and there was a note that said some guy name Phil took him, over." Lucas respond, I squeezed the walkie talkie with anger.

"Get the party, meet here, over and out." I said, I set the walkie down and looked at Eleven.

"Eleven, we're gonna need to you use your powers to stop Phil. Can you do that?" I asked, Eleven nodded. "Great, let's just wait for everyone to get here."


I paced around the room anxiously until everyone arrived, and of course Mike and Eleven looked worried. "(Y/n), please stop pacing around. You are scaring Eleven and I." Mike says, but I didn't respond, I kept pacing around. Eleven said my name, but I didn't saying anything but pace fast. So finally, Mike walked up to me and grabbed my wrist, causing a whimper to escape my mouth.

Mike quickly let go of my wrist and held his hand behind his back. "When uh, Phil raped me...he hit me a bunch of times. Including my wrist." I explained, Mike softly nodded his head and tried to hug me without hurting me, Eleven joined in on the hug. Then the basement door sprung open.

I pull away from the hug and see the part coming downstairs. "It took you long enough!" I say, walking towards Lucas. He sighs at me. "I know I know, I had to do some chores around the house." Lucas started, wiping some sweat off from his bandana. I sighed to myself and motioned everyone to sit down.

"Okay so, what's the plan?" Max asked, I sighed yet again and stood up.

"We are all going to my, house, I know Phil will be there and he'll be there with Richie. Max, Dustin, and a Will will stay outside and keep lookout. Mike, I want you to look around the house, Lucas and Eleven will attack Phil." I explain, Eleve looks at me with confusion.

"What will you do?" Eleven asks, I slightly smile to myself.

"I'm gonna have a little talk with Phil." I say.


After everyone left, I camped downstairs in the basement. Mike volunteered to stay downstairs with me, but I didn't really speak or say anything to him. I was writing the plan down in a piece of paper and putting everyone's defending so they know their places. "Do you want some water?" Mike asks.

"No, I'm not thirsty." I respond, he sighs and lays his head on my lap. I set my things down and soft his soft straight hair, then my eyes began to swell with hot tears. Mike with no hesitation pulled me into a tight hug and held me while I cried into his chest.

"It's okay (y/n), we will find him, I promise. If we could find Will, and get that shadow monster out of him, and even get Eleven back, we will get Richie back too." Mike says, I pull away from the hug and s,I'll at him as sniffles escape my mouth.

"Pr-Promise?" I ask, sounding a little bit like Eleven. Mike smirks and pecks me on the nose.

"I promise, now let's go to bed. We have a big day tomorrow."

Mike Wheeler x Reader x Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now