Chapter 5: Hanging Out

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MAX AND I hung out with The Party yesterday. (minus Richie and Mike) Max and I told them what happened. I told them that they could still hang out with Mike and Richie just not around me. However if I did happen to be there I wouldn't talk to them unless I needed to.

Now it was 8:32 and I woke up. Max spent the night at my house though she was still asleep. I didn't want to wake her up yet so I put on an outfit. 

I had on some light blue faded shorts and a blue shirt that had Edward Scissorhands on it. I loved that movie. And my hair was down. After I brushed my teeth I walked back into the room where Max was peacefully sleeping at. 

"Max wake up we're hanging out with the boys again today!"

(Don't worry i'll make a chapter where just the girls are hanging out.)

Max woke up and groaned. "Uhhh, okay i'm up..." she mumbled.


"You ready to go?" I asked her. Max nodded and grabbed her skateboard. I got on my bike and we rode over to Dustin's house. Dustin said that there was a surprise there. I wonder what it could possibly be?

When we arrived at Dustin's house I got off my bike and rang the doorbell. Max just held her skateboard in her hand waited at the door with me.

The door opened revealing Dustin smiling a big grin. "Hey guys, come on in." Dustin whispered. Max set her skateboard down and we walked in.

When I we walked in I saw Mike and Richie sitting next to each other. They were both awkwardly smiling at me like everything was okay.

I turned around and was about to walk out but Dustin was standing in front of it. And he locked it. I sighed heavily and sat down on the edge of the couch. "So, where are the others, or did you lie about that too?" I asked. 

Dustin looked a little sad when I used that tone of voice with him. So I cleared my throat and said. "I-I'm sorry," then I looked over at Mike and Richie. "I've just been a little angry lately." I say. Dustin still doesn't say anything, he just points to the back door and Will, Lucas, and Eleven all walk out of the door.

"So, what are we going to do?" I ask. Mike rubs his arm and looks at Richie. "Well, I know what Richie and I are going to do. Apologize." he said. I slightly glared at them both. 

"Okay, and why are you sorry exactly?" 

"Because we faught each other and wern't considerate of your feelings." they both say like brainless zombies. I nod my head.

"And what will promise not to do anymore?"

"We promise not to kight over you anymore." they say. I stop glaring at them and smile. "Aw, I can't stay mad at you cuties." I say. I run over to them and give both of them a kiss on the cheek. They blush and hug me. 

Everyone awed at us.

"Aw shut up!" Richie yelled. "Yeah, you're just jealous!" Mike adds. I chuckle and shake my head at them. "I love you guys."


"...and that is why Three Musketeers is the best candy." Dusitn finished. 

Will, Max, Richie, and I both clapped at the end. Richie stood up and put his hand on his shoulder. "You are a good man, sir." Richie said doing one of his terrible accents. Dustin chuckled at him and put his hand on Richie's shoulder.

"Thank you my good man." Dustin said doing a bad accent back. I chuckled softly and whispered to Max "This is the beginning of a good friendship." She smirked at me as Lucas held her hand. Richie looked my way and winked. 

I smiled at him and winked back. Mike looked my way and smiled. I smiled back and waved. Today was a really good day.


Everyone spent the night at Mike's house. Will was sitting next Eleven and was telling her ghost stories. Lucas was laying next to Max, they were both asleep. 

And Mike let me sleep in his bed. Richie and Mike both slept on the floor. (Not together though) 

"Goodnight, Mike. Night, Rich." I said. They both sat up and looked at me. Richie blew me a kiss and I caught it. "Goodnight, madam." he said. I giggled at him. "Goodnight, (Y/N). Love you." Mike said. I smiled at him and laid back down. 

A/N: Okay the next chapter will be longer 

Mike Wheeler x Reader x Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now