Chapter 9: The Bad Guy

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I got on my bike, same as for Mike as we rode to his house. It was a very quiet ride, and when Mike tried to talk to me I just sighed to myself. I didn't want him to think that I was ignoring him, I just didn't want to talk; after what happened and all.

When we arrived to his house, we walked into Mrs. Wheelers room and I sat down. Mike explained to Karen about everything that happened with me; which made Karen's face frown. "Michael, do you mind leaving [Y/N] and I alone for a little while." Mrs. Wheeler asked softly. Mike nodded and walked out the room. Closing the door behind him.

Karen looked over at me and sighed. "When did this happen?"

I bit my lip and blinked away a couple of tears. "A-A couple days ago.

"Oh honey," Karen opened her arms and hugged me tight, which lead to me crying into her chest, as she held onto me and stroked my hair. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay. I'm gonna make you some chicken noodle soup, maybe it will calm down your nerves." Mrs. Wheeler said in a comforting tone. I pulled away and sniffled, smiling at her and nodding her head. As she walked out of the room, Mike walked in.

Mike's walks over to me. He puts his hand in mine, I look up at the him.

He was smiling on the outside, but I knew on the inside that he was hiding something. Mike always made that face, every time something was wrong. Like when my Three Musketeers bar went missing, Mike had that facial expression.

And it turned out that Dustin ate it

"Mike, I know that you're furious about Phil raping me. And believe, I am too. But there's nothing that we can-

"You're moving in." Mike saod sternly. There was no emotion in his tone or his eyes. I was shocked, completely shocked.

"Mike, I can't."

"Yes you can [Y/N]. I'm gonna tell my mom to adopt you. She loves you. Everyone loves you!" Mike whisper yells.

I just sighed at him, a warm smile creeping on upon my face. "Okay. Okay, Mike." I whisper. Mike smiled at and kissed my cheek.

God, why does life have to be so complicated.


Later that night, I curled up into a ball. I couldn't sleep, I kept having nightmares about Phil.

I knew Mike said he was gonna tell his mom to adpot me, and that life was gonna be great again; but I was just too scared. What if Phil finds me when I'm alone, and tries to rape me again. What if he rapes mom, what if he kills her, what if he kills me!

"[Y/N]. Are you still up?"

I look up and to the side of me, Mike turned on the lamp and rose an eyebrow at me. "What's wrong, did you have a bad dream," Mike asked. "B-Because if you did, I-I can cuddle with you."

I appreciated Mike's comtrontnesd, but I didn't want him to think that I was weak. I wanted him to think that I was strong. I am strong. "No, that's okay. Goodnight." I said quietly, making sure not to wake anyone. I flopped down on the other side of the bed. Mike sighed at me and turned off the lamp.

I had enough, I was not gonna Phil take an advantage of me like that and expect me to not say anything. I wasn't going to tell the police, I wasn't going to tell the rest of the party. There was only one thing I knew that I had to do, to not only save my friends, but myself.

I had to keep Phil away from my family.

And it all starts tomorrow.

Mike Wheeler x Reader x Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now