Chapter 14

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i hope you all enjoy!!!


Soarin's POV

After a few weeks im glad that dash id gonna be discharged from the hospital! Yay! But.. She has also been acting weird....

Earlier she was picked up in the hospital and she's in the room now taking a rest and I'm outside thinking of stuff... I'm really happy that equestria is safe now...

I just don't want anything happen to rainbow dash.....


Then I heard a loud crash! And it sounded like the.. Glass shattered

I was about to go upstairs but something pulled me back...

Oh shit..

I ran to the kitchen and turned off the oven... Phew.. I saved my pie...and I never let any pies of mine burn. 😁......😐..🤔...😲 *gaps* OH RIGHT DASH!!!!!

I flew upstairs and tried to doorknob but it won't budge.... I tried again like 3 times and I got in...


"everything is fine.." she said..

"did something broke?" I asked.

"whatever are you talking about? Nothing's broken" she said with a poker face with absolutely NO expression with the sentence she said

"ok?" I didn't see any broken shards of glass....huh weird...

"don't worry soarin you have nothing to worry about" her voice.. It's so.. Hollow.. Like there's echos of her voice....

"well anyways I'm glad your alright" I said and I hugged her... She hugged back... After a few minutes i suddenly felt... A little weak of a sudden... I shrugged it off and forgot about it.. It's only a little pain I can handle it..

*later that evening*

Dash was beside me cuddling. And when we both fell asleep I woke up in a dark place...

"H-hello?" I called.

I looked around and there's no light to be found... I started to walk slowly going forward then when I heard hoofsteps I got scared and ran I ended up in a room then the lights went on and I saw..... Dash with her hoofs chained up and she looked badly injured...


"dash!!!" I walked up to her and she woke up I'm guessing she passed out.

"soarin!!! Thanks goodness your here! Wait... Why are you here?" she asked.

"I don't know I just randomly appeared here out of no where but come I'll get you free!" I said and tried to open the chain on her hoofs but failed.

"it's no use... You have to get out here now!!!! Hurry up Before it finds you!!!" She panicked.

"are you crazy? I'm not leaving you here!" I yelled.

"soarin....fine.. Listen to me...the rainbow dash your with... ITS NOT ME!!!" she yelled

"w-what? " I asked.

"soarin please you have to believe me... IM THE REAL RAINBOW DASH! the one beside you is an imposter!!! A-and it's all my fault" she cried then the chained glowed green and she yelled in pain...

"d-dash what's happening? What do you mean it's your fault?" I asked.

"i-its taking all my energy! Please soarin!!! In order to save me you have to kill her first!!!!" she yelled

"but how will that save you?! It might also kill you" I said.

"no I won't... When the enemy is killed it will burn to ashes then to dust...and I will be magically reappear before you know it" she explained.

"I.... I can't do it" I said.

"if it's hurting you I can't do it" I cried

" it... Do it for me... If you don't know she's probably taking your energy too so you can't fight her" she said

"please there has to be another way I can't kill you.." I said

"soarin. You are not killing me.. You are killing her!!!" she yelled.


"you don't have too" somepony said and when I turned around I blacked out.

"GAAAHHHHH!!!!!" I woke up sweating...then dash also woke up.

She rubbed her eyes and said.

"s-soarin? What time is it? " she asked.

"soarin? ..are you ok?" she asked Then
I shook my head no...she went hugged me and swayed me a bit and said..

"it's okay...your safe now....nopony is going to harm you" she reassured me.

"t-thanks I.. I feel alot better now" I smiled and she kissed me then I giggled.

"go back to sleep I'm still not ready to get up" she said and I laughed.

"sure thing" I replied then she kissed my forehead.

She got back to sleep but I couldn't...

Was the dream I saw a true vision? Or a nightmare?

Luna is really harsh sometimes... 😖😖😖


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